The US military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on 31st of August. “The drawdown is proceeding in a secure and orderly way, prioritizing the safety of our troops as they depart”, President Joe Biden said Thursday at a news conference. In the meantime White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki made a confession, “We’re not going to have a mission accomplished moment ...

The US has decided to withdraw all its forces just ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that had paved the way for the invasion of the country. On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden announced that the withdrawal will begin on May 1 in line with an agreement President Donald Trump’s Administration made with the Taliban. Led by ...

Afghanistan, where the United States intervened after the 9/11 attacks, has turned into a country where various conflicts have been experienced for many years. Within the former US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal policy from Afghanistan, the negotiations between the parties began in 2010. The main actors in these talks are the Afghan Government, the Taliban and the USA. However, apart ...

Following Donald Trump’s defeat and Joseph Biden’s win of the US Presidency, hopes in Europe for the restoration of the transatlantic alliance, that is, growing say for the EU in global affairs were high. On the NATO Defense Minister summit, held 17th and 18th of February, these hopes faced reality: The new US Administration demonstrated its will to lead Europe ...

One week after signing the US agreement with the Taliban in Doha, Kabul faced a serious political crisis ahead of the inter-Afghan peace talks. It would seem that the most important political stage has already been passed – after many years of hard fighting, opposing parties have managed to reach a historic agreement which may get the negotiating process underway ...