By Syed Ali Zia Jaffery After a lapse of 20 years, the United States is leaving Afghanistan. Its withdrawal, as evidenced by the evacuation of the Bagram Airfield, is precipitous, unconditional and dissociated from progress towards a political settlement in Afghanistan. This hasty wrap-up has emboldened the Taliban, a group with whom the United States cracked a peace deal in ...

Turkey has undertaken the duty at the latest NATO summit to operate and protect the International Kabul Airport after the withdrawal of the USA and NATO troops from Afghanistan. While the aftermath of the NATO summit continues, debates on the Biden administration’s policies for the Middle East are still in progress. We interviewed the former Chief of General Staff Intelligence ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç Security experts and diplomats from Pakistan, the US and Afghanistan met at a webinar held by the Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS), an Islamabad, Pakistan based think-thank, on May 27. The experts interchanged their experience and shared predictions in a broader context regarding Afghanistan’s future after the U.S. government’s decision to withdraw troops. United World International ...

The US has decided to withdraw all its forces just ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that had paved the way for the invasion of the country. On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden announced that the withdrawal will begin on May 1 in line with an agreement President Donald Trump’s Administration made with the Taliban. Led by ...

Afghanistan, where the United States intervened after the 9/11 attacks, has turned into a country where various conflicts have been experienced for many years. Within the former US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal policy from Afghanistan, the negotiations between the parties began in 2010. The main actors in these talks are the Afghan Government, the Taliban and the USA. However, apart ...

Following Donald Trump’s defeat and Joseph Biden’s win of the US Presidency, hopes in Europe for the restoration of the transatlantic alliance, that is, growing say for the EU in global affairs were high. On the NATO Defense Minister summit, held 17th and 18th of February, these hopes faced reality: The new US Administration demonstrated its will to lead Europe ...

For too long, Turkey has ignored or misinterpreted its own interests in the East. Its ignorance has mostly come from a blind engagement in favor of Western liberal democracies. Its misinterpretations, meanwhile, were predominantly created by its total abdication in face of American strategies in the region. Now, however, the situation has changed. Turkey is rediscovering its potential as a ...

Lavrov in Damascus On September 7, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Damascus. This was the first visit of Lavrov to Syria since February 2012. As UWI wrote, “in his statements in Damascus, Lavrov emphasized the importance and success of the Astana process and the necessity of focusing on a common goal”. According to experts interviewed by UWI, ...

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed out the need for American troops to leave Afghanistan as soon as possible. Despite this, the Pentagon, CIA and industrial organizations stand in favor of military forces staying in this country. The flow of financial aid to Afghanistan is used by Americans in the name of personal interests and plays an important role ...

One week after signing the US agreement with the Taliban in Doha, Kabul faced a serious political crisis ahead of the inter-Afghan peace talks. It would seem that the most important political stage has already been passed – after many years of hard fighting, opposing parties have managed to reach a historic agreement which may get the negotiating process underway ...