On the 26th and 27th of February, the Russian Federation hosted over 500 participants from more than 130 countries in Moscow to challenge Western hegemony in the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement (MIR). UWI documents in the following days some speeches delivered in the congress. Today we publish the presentation of Ali Murat Özdemir, professor at the Faculty ...

The leading world powers convened between November 1884 and February 1885  in the city of Berlin, invited by France and Great Britain and organized by the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, to organize the division of Africa. A few years later, in May 1916, through the Sykes-Picot Agreement, Great Britain and France did the same in Western Asia and ...

Remembering Nicaragua on July 19 is every year a moral obligation for me. In Nicaragua I grew as a person, as a thinking human being and as a fighter for the most just causes of humanity. Thanks to Fidel, I was elevated to the status of internationalist combatant, the highest rank a revolutionary can aspire. Remembering Nicaragua, its noble and ...

For unknown reasons, but surely linked to religious beliefs, human beings tend to revere death more than life. Of course, that varies in each civilization and even in each people. Many great characters in history are only revered after they have left this world, instead of recognizing their worth during life. In many cases, when someone has passed away, he ...

At a time when the Cyprus issue is heating up, Greece has turned into an American military base and Athens has become Washington’s weapon waiting to be triggered, we are publishing the 1955 Central Committee resolutions of the Communist Party of Greece on the situation in the country and the Cyprus issue. The Communist Party of Greece was founded in ...

A libertarian voice loaded with virtue is rising from the easternmost edge of Asia… A pioneer speaks: “Millions of Asian and African peoples have joined the ranks of independent countries. This is a fait accompli. After the Second World War, there is probably nothing more important than this. It has an explosive force at least the size of a hydrogen ...

“While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas.“ Thomas Sankara In Burkina Faso, the trial for the 1987 murder of Thomas Sankara has begun. The suspects include 14 people, one of whom is former president Blaise Compaoré. During Compaoré’s long reign, the subject of Sankara’s murder was taboo, leaving many unhappy that the killers were never punished. ...

The Bicentennial Congress of the Peoples of the World (BCPW), under the motto “The union of women and men for the Revolution”, took place in Caracas, from June 21st to June 24th, of 2021. This popular Congress gathered grassroots movements, political parties, labor unions, NGOs, as well as intellectual and social activists, among others, in the capital of Venezuela, to ...