Iran has announced that they have been monitoring the movements of the American B-52 heavy bombers and announced that their airspace was a red line, and furthermore that they would respond in an “overwhelming and harsh” manner towards any violations against the airspace. Iran’s statement came right after the United States has declared that two heavy bombers have been flying ...

The revolutionary bandit Fransisco “Pancho” Villa had nothing in common with Mexico’s current drug warlords, but he may still have inspired Donald Trump. Pancho Villa was fighting the Mexican army in the aftermath of the Mexican Revolution and raided the US city of Columbus in 1916 in search of weapons. The US considered the Mexican Army too weak to fight ...

Cheng Enfu, an adviser to Chinese President Xi Jinping on economic issues, stated that Turkey’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative would contribute to finding a peaceful solution to the problems in Eastern Mediterranean. In an article co-authored with Li Jing and published in Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly (BRIQ) Autumn 2020 issue, Prof. Cheng Enfu emphasizes that “the ...

The term “Flammable Ice” will soon be a part of our daily lexicon. The phenomena’s scientific name is “clathrate hydrates” (gas hydrates), describing ice-like, crystalline formations created under high pressure and low temperature hydrocarbon gas molecules on the sea bottom. Under standard pressure and temperature conditions, 1 cubic meter of gas hydrate contains up to 164 cubic meters of natural ...

Bernard-Henry Levy’s provocative trip to Libya Bernard-Henri Levy, the political philosopher who actively participated in the destruction of Libya in 2011, arrived in Misrata this week. The official purpose of the visit was reporting about mass graves in Tarkhuna left by Haftar’s forces, a story which is supposed to be published in the Wall Street Journal. #Tarhuna. Just after my ...

One side would have social network giants granting virtual impunity when it comes to leaving provocative, defamatory and otherwise hateful posts, the other extreme is totalitarian blockages of unwanted content without explanation. There is another aspect at play however, when these platforms become so successful they practically become a state in their own right. The most important precedent for the ...

Diplomacy requires the ability to make assessments not only in the short term, but also in the medium and long term and requires taking historical facts into account before taking any actions. Failure to do so often makes it so the gains made are limited to a short term period, while losses are suffered in the long run. The first ...

France and Turkey clashed this week after the French president’s latest rejoinder of NATO’s ” brain death“. The French leader also harshly criticized Turkey’s actions in Libya, calling it “a dangerous game”. Earlier in June, a Turkish frigate off the coast of Libya refused to carry out an order to inspect the cargo from the French frigate participating in the ...

China has managed to draw the world’s attention throughout the course of modern history, beginning with Mao Zedong’s “Long March” in 1934. Even in the West, predictions for a future that exclude China’s leadership are increasingly scarce, as China’s economic, social and political rise has had a tremendous impact on the masses, particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic, something ...

Turkey, which has based its economic growth on export development and made significant strides in recent years (especially during the AKP administration) has taken a strategic approach to the African continent in search of new markets. Moreover, it is seeking to expand its political, economic and commercial presence on the continent. Turkey, as a country that has a positive outlook ...