There is a great conviction that there is a close link between the war in Ukraine and the tragedy in Gaza. They reflect the West’s struggle against Russia and China, and the feverish desire to maintain Western hegemony and American unipolarity. For this reason, American power is doing everything it can to support Ukraine and protect Israel. Some say that ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey had been busy with four main topics. First one has been the reaction on the Latvian parliament’s decision to recognize the so-called Armenian Genocide. Second has been the meeting held in Turkish capital Ankara, between the Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki. Third has been the reaction from Turkish ...

“In a secular regime, people have the freedom to be religious or not. I also recommend that Egypt have a secular constitution, because secularism is not against religion. Do not be afraid of secularism. I hope that the new regime in Egypt will also be secular. And I hope that the Egyptian people’s perception of secularism will be changed after ...

There has not been a week in the recent months without reports, statements, decisions or condemnations against Turkey’s Mediterranean policies, from the United States, the EU and the Arab world. A large portion of the work at the Foreign Ministry, especially for the Spokesman, is rushed through the answers to these baseless, untheorized, unreasoned and unfair explanations. Next, in the ...

The recent announcement of his “Deal of the Century”, a unilateral “solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is nothing more than a statement of American approval for Israeli leadership of the Arab world. The maps, borders and political features were all designed after the First World War. The deal also suggests a permanent adjustment of the centuries old political borders of ...