By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * In 1982, I was in Nicaragua. The country was living the first years of the Sandinista revolution and I was working in the Army. One day in April, someone whose name unfortunately I have not been able to memorize asked me if I was willing to go to the Malvinas to fight alongside the Argentine ...

By Oscar Rotundo / Buenos Aires Forty years after the battle for sovereignty in Malvinas and in view of the global offensive of the British colonial policy from the South Atlantic to Ukraine, we interviewed Carlos Raimundi, Argentine representative to the OAS on the current situation of the conflict. The Argentine diplomat classified Britain’s Malvinas policy as “colonialist”, stated that ...

By Oscar Rotundo / Buenos Aires United World International and PIA Global ( simultaneously publish this interview. In the context of the 40th anniversary of the Battle for the recovery of Malvinas (for the United Kingdom, Falkland Islands), we interviewed Guillermo Carmona, Secretary of State on Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic. Carmona is also the representative of the Argentine Ministry ...

The Malvinas Islands consists of an Argentine territory illegally occupied by British imperialism. It has a high geopolitical value in terms of the deployment in the South Atlantic region. Together with the South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands (also illegally occupied), in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, they formed the scene of the Malvinas War in 1982 against Argentina. Since 1985, ...