By Fernando Esteche * and Pablo Rodolfo Treber **, reporting from Buenos Aires, Argentina How will the new political power be built? The unique character who will govern Argentina defines himself as the first liberal-libertarian president in the history of the world. With a notable precariousness in terms of knowledge of geopolitics and the tectonic movements that have been occurring ...

By Rodolfo Pablo Treber – Buenos Aires, Argentina * The President-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei has caused attention with his proposals to dollarize the economy and close down the Argentine Central Bank. Rodolfo Pablo Treber responds to these proposals in an article published 3 days ahead of the second round of elections last Sunday. Treber is an economic analyst that ...

Argentina has elected Javier Milei as its new President, who will take charge from December 12 on. Milei was the candidate of the Liberty Advances (LLA – for its initials in Spanish), a prty founded just 2 years ago. He was elected in the second round of elections by getting 55.7% of the votes against current minister of economy, Sergio ...

United World International continues publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce held on April 29. The conference was organized by Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement. Today we present the speech of Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche from the University of ...

By Prof.Dr. Fernando Esteche * Short history of contemporary Sino-Argentine bilateral relations There are several milestones that we can list to contribute to the understanding of relations between China and Argentina. They reach even further back than the consolidation of the Shanghai Cooperation Association and the launch of the One Belt One Road (BRI) or New Silk Road initiative, symbol ...

By Fernando Gomez * “God is dead”, declared Friedrich Nietzsche in 1882. The phrase accompanied the imagination of his work till our days. The meaning of his words is the object of study in the field of philosophy. Just two years ago, some wanted to present the news of the death of someone who had long ago ceased to belong ...

Argentina’s Vice President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner has been victim of an assassination attempt on September 1st in Buenos Aires. She survived the attempt, because the assassin’s gun, pointed at Kirchner from a very close distance, jammed and did not fire. Media reported that the gun was loaded with 5 bullets. We spoke about the assassination attempt with Fernando Esteche, ...

By Fernando Esteche / Buenos Aires * The government of the Frente de Todos in Argentina, which at first promised to be a national and popular restoration against the social and economic ravages of the neoliberal Macrism, ended up being a consolidation of the same model. At first sight what appears is the defrauding of the electoral contract that promised ...

Argentina is facing a serious economic crisis that resembles the situation of lots of countries in the world. Low value of national currency, high inflation and an economy open to capital flight and import flooding. All this is accompanied by a conprehensive agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The people already have started to protest against the conomic situation, ...

As other countries, Argentina is going to economically hard times. The country faces high inflation, the national currency is weak and additional pressures come from long time relations and recent agreements with the IMF. In the last weeks, the people have started protesting the economic situation in demonstrations and on the streets. On the economic situation and the protests, we ...