The Ukraine crisis has set debates on the so-called rules based order and multipolarity on the global agenda. BRICS is a usual suspect when talk comes to the polycentric or multipolar world system. And the 2006 established alliance between Brazil, Russia, India and China that later included also South Africa may present news very soon – with the inclusion of ...

By Ana Dagorret * Russia’s military operation in Ukraine triggered a series of measures by Western governments seeking to isolate and weaken Russia. The decision to impose economic sanctions and blockades as a way of putting pressure to stop the operation, in addition to the freezing of about 50% of the reserves that Russia has in other countries, hit the ...

Argentina joined the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in February 2022. Argentinian President Alberto Fernández visited the People’s Republic of China in February 2022 and signed an according agreement. The country’s Ambassador to China evaulated on Argentina’s participation in the initiative. Argentina has become thus the biggest Latin American economy till today to join the initiative. But what does the ...

Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez has concluded his visit to Russia and China. United World International expert Yunus Soner spoke on the visit and its repercussions in Latin America and the reactions from Washington to China Radio International Turkey. Soner said that Fernandez’ visit caused “a series of small political earthquakes”. Below we present the interview as published by CRI Türk. ...

By Sebastian Tapia Argentine President Alberto Fernández toured Russia, China and Barbados this week in the spirit of multipolarity and multilateralism. Beginning to build the post-pandemic foreign policy agenda, the president argued that “the world is multilateral. In that world we must live and develop.” Both the destinations and the topics discussed on the tour affirm the multipolar orientation of ...

In mid-2018, during Mauricio Macri’s three years in power (2015-2019), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a historical loan for Argentina for 57 billion US dollars (USD), of which some 44 thousand were disbursed. The Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, has reported that at present: “Argentina owes around 44.5 billion dollars to the IMF.” The government of the Frente de ...

By Oscar Rotundo / Buenos Aires Forty years after the battle for sovereignty in Malvinas and in view of the global offensive of the British colonial policy from the South Atlantic to Ukraine, we interviewed Carlos Raimundi, Argentine representative to the OAS on the current situation of the conflict. The Argentine diplomat classified Britain’s Malvinas policy as “colonialist”, stated that ...

Context The Argentine national context, in which the XXII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was held on January 6 and 7 was marked, mainly by the following topics: 1) the exponential increase of Covid19 case numbers, due to the rapid expansion of the Omicron variant and the high traffic of local ...

On January 7, the XXII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) was held in Buenos Aires. After the Mexico pro tempore presidency, in a new turn, Argentina will seek to keep giving life to an organism created under the influence of the integrative anti-imperialist trend led by Hugo Chávez in 2010. At that ...

Buenos Aires, 23rd of December 2021 On June 20, 2018, when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved the largest loan in its history: $50 billion to the Argentine Republic, this South American country was governed by the right-wing Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), while the IMF was led by Christine Lagarde (2011-2019), today president of the European Central Bank. It was already ...