The final scrutiny of Argentina’s legislative elections, held last Sunday, November 14, has not yet concluded. However, the computations obtained and endorsed by the National Electoral Chamber (CNE) show little possibility of significant variations in the current projections. Based on this, the result of these national elections can be read in various ways, for example, from the 24 electoral districts ...

By Fernando Esteche / Buenos Aires* With the results on this weekend election in Argentina, President Alberto Fernández (in accordance with the agreement of all the sectors of the Frente de Todos, he said) and the mayor of Buenos Aires Mayor Rodríguez Larreta (one of the main opposition figures) agreed on the need for a National Agreement whose exclusive agenda ...

Results of the parliamentary primary elections On September 12, 2021, the Argentine Republic held their primary, open, simultaneous and mandatory elections (PASO in Spanish), the results of which determined the candidates who will compete in the general parliamentary elections on November 14, by: 127 of the 257 seats of the Chamber of Deputies, for a period of 4 years (2021-2025), ...

The government front, furrowed by internal contradictions and pressure from the opposition, faces midterm elections after a hard defeat in the primaries. What happened? Defeated in primaries On September 12, mid-term primary elections were held for the 2019-2023 government turn. Definitive elections will be held in November when the government fears a sound defeat. The ruling party is a coalition ...

Nicaragua’s decision to support Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the presidency of CELAC revealed bilateral tensions between Managua and Buenos Aires. What are the real motives? What other countries are involved in this impasse? What about the left in Latin America? On the surface On July 30, 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua reported, ...

On July 8, 2021, the Pro Tempore Presidency (PPT) of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) was transferred in an online summit. Now, the leadership moved from Argentina to Brazil for the next six months. This presidential summit of one of the most important regional integration blocs in South America once again divided the waters between Argentina and the rest of ...

On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, at the Casa Rosada, a business meeting was held between the President of the Argentinian Republic, Alberto Fernández, and his European peer, Pedro Sánchez. This bilateral activity had already been announced by Sánchez in the last tour of the Argentinian head of state to Europe, which Fernández carried out from May 8 to 15, 2021. ...

On May 8, Argentine President Alberto Fernández embarked on a European international trip that will include bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. He will also meet with the Head of State of the Vatican City, Pope Francis. The Official Committee also includes the first lady Fabiola Yañez, Foreign Affair Minister Felipe Sola, the Minister of ...

United World International is comntinuing its survey on the global Covid-19 situation, consulting its various experts in different countries. Today, Facundo Escobar reports on Argentina. Argentina reordered 557 deaths from covid-19 on April 24, its highest daily death toll till today from the coronavirus pandemic. On the same day, 27.88 new cases were registered. The total number of deaths rose ...

The Malvinas Islands consists of an Argentine territory illegally occupied by British imperialism. It has a high geopolitical value in terms of the deployment in the South Atlantic region. Together with the South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands (also illegally occupied), in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, they formed the scene of the Malvinas War in 1982 against Argentina. Since 1985, ...