The public agenda in Türkiye has been busy last week. The decision from Turkish banks to withdraw from the Russian MIR payment system, dropped on the agenda like a bombshell. The phone conversation between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, has also found coverage in the public agenda. The recognition of 24th April as ...

US President Biden’s decision to call the events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire a “genocide” has caused great upheaval in Turkish public opinion and opened the next chapter in Turkish-US crises. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan spoke to Iranian Tehran Times on the recent crisis, US’ reasons for the genocide statement and Turkey’s strategic path out of ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey had been busy with four main topics. First one has been the reaction on the Latvian parliament’s decision to recognize the so-called Armenian Genocide. Second has been the meeting held in Turkish capital Ankara, between the Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki. Third has been the reaction from Turkish ...

United World International expert Dr. Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Iranian Tehran Times about claims of the so-called Armenian genocide and the political projects they serve. Below we document the interview, conducted by Mohammad Ali Saki, as printed in the Tehran Times on May 5th, 2021. Subheadings were set by UWI. Tehran – A Turkish historian and political ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy with three main topics. The first was the unofficial diplomatic talks between the Turkish and the Greek Cypriots, with the participation of three observers, Turkey, Greece and the UK, under the mediation of the United Nations. The second was the infographics published by the Turkish Ministry of Justice regarding the truths ...

U.S. President Joe Biden has ‘recognized’ the so-called “Armenian genocide”. But is this really an innocent move solely aimed at “commemorating” the saddening 1915 events, as Secretary Anthony Blinken asserted, or a well-thought-out plan with real geo-strategic considerations? The U.S. official statement’s content indicates that we’re facing the latter. Two main “ideas” are emerging from the statement: Obstructing Turkey’s rightful ...

By Fikret Akfırat The US President Joe Biden has articulated the lie of the Armenian genocide. We clearly state that this step means Washington’s declaration of attack against Turkey. The fact that Biden has called Turkish President Erdoğan one day before the declaration, announcing that he will “recognize the genocide” should be read as Washington’s message to Ankara, meaning to ...

The Armenian deportation of 1915 is one of the most politicized historical questions in the field and public sphere. Unfortunately, the historians who support the hypothesis of some Armenians that see the event as an effort at ‘genocide’ are not keen to consult archival sources regarding the issue, but rather repeat the same allegations from a political perspective. This is ...

Last year, a movie called “Sabre Dance” came out about an episode in the life of Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978), a Soviet composer with Armenian roots (born and raised in Tbilisi-Georgia under Russian rule). Kachaturian most famously wrote the music for the “Sabre Dance” section of the ballet “Gayane”, which was partially synthesized from an unnamed Armenian folk song and tied ...

A source close to a U.S. NGO has handed to the UWI a secret plan devised by the U.S. globalists for triggering a spate of tensions among Iran, Turkey, Russia, and Armenia. Certain globalist quarters in the U.S. find the success of consultations and decisions on developments in Syria taken in the format of the Astana troika (Russia, Turkey and ...