A deathly silence covered the room where the four-star general Christopher G. Cavoli, commanding general of the United States Army in Europe and Africa, denied Rep. Joe Courtney, in his appearance before the Congressional Armed Services Committee. In said meeting, Cavoli stated: “… a large part of the Russian army has not been adversely affected by this [Ukrainian] conflict. One ...

History books will write: “On 3 May 2023, the Kremlin was attacked by drones to kill Russian President Vladimir Putin.” In French, the phrase “table rase” is used for the 1789 Revolution. Instead of translating it literally, rather one could explain it as the moment when everything is reset, a new beginning after the destruction, a great cleansing or a ...

Only Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky could have ordered the Ukrainian drone attack on the Kremlin, said military analyst Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of “Natsionalnaya Oborona” (National Defense) magazine. Earlier on Wednesday, the Kremlin reported that the Kiev regime tried to strike two drones on the Kremlin residence of the Russian president in the night. As a result of timely actions taken ...