The former military attaché of Türkiye in Azerbaijan, General Yücel Karauz evaluated the latest developments in the South Caucasus to Azerbaijan’s state news agency Azertac. We translated the interview published in Russian into English for United World International readers. Armenia now does not represent a normal state entity in the usual sense of the word. Nikol Pashinyan does not fully ...

The new realities in the South Caucasus and in the world after the 44-day-long Second Karabakh War are not satisfactory to everyone. Changes in the geopolitical situation may strongly affect the interests of certain countries. However, by focusing on dialogue and cooperation, a solution can be found. If steps are taken to cooperate and open the transport infrastructure between Armenia ...

For the first time in decades, Iran conducted a military exercise on the southern bank of the Aras River at its border with the Republic of Azerbaijan last week. The drill was in fact a sign of new political tension between Tehran and Baku that emerged for the first time since Azerbaijan’s independence. While Iran and Azerbaijan have experienced tumultuous ...

“The objective interests of Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran coincide. This interest lies, first of all, in preventing the intervention of external forces into the region, in particular the Western interference, and avoiding provocations of the Atlantic world in the region.” United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview on recent developments in the Caucasus to Azerbaijani news website ...

Last week, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s official visit to Baku signaled the revival of relations between the two countries. During his visit, Mohammad Javad Zarif met with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov. The meetings were held to discuss a number of important  issues. Official Tehran is interested in new opportunities for cooperation in the ...

United World International expert Ahmad Shahidov spoke to Iranian Tehran Times. Shahidov explaned in the interview, published on May 16, 2021, the current situation in Nagorny-Karabakh, Azerbaijani-Iranian relations, the US government’s approach to the Caucasus and the prospects for Chinese the Belt and Road Project.. Concerning Iran-Azerbaijan relations, Shahidov said that these “continue to develop. In the 44-day war, official ...