Mali In Mali, a coup d’état involving the military took place, during which President Ibrahim Keita was deposed, as was Prime Minister Boubou Cissé. The military announced a three-year transition period to form a civilian government. According to an ECOWAS report from August 23, the State is now headed by a representative of the armed forces and the Government will ...

Protests in Belarus Post-election protests in Belarus became the focus of international organizations, politicians and the media. Several serious clashes between the demonstrators and the police were reported. On Sunday, a rally of thousands of opponents of the current Belarusian authorities took place in Minsk; the event was not coordinated with the city authorities. Participants of the rally held protest ...

So far, the coronavirus has affected Eurasia far less than Asia, Western Europe and the United States. Yet, countries across the continent have introduced emergency regimes or increased security measures to fight the spread of Covid-19. There are several possible explanations as to why the region has not been affected by a massive pandemic, although each country has its own ...