By Prof.Dr. Fernando Esteche * Short history of contemporary Sino-Argentine bilateral relations There are several milestones that we can list to contribute to the understanding of relations between China and Argentina. They reach even further back than the consolidation of the Shanghai Cooperation Association and the launch of the One Belt One Road (BRI) or New Silk Road initiative, symbol ...

Xi’an, China, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, hosted a historic summit for the bright future of Central Asia. On May 18-19, the heads of state of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan met in Xian as part of the China-Central Asia Summit. Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted the summit. Kazakh President Kassym Jomart Tokayev, Kyrgyz President Sadir ...

Can there be a port at the farthest distance from the sea? I went to the Horgos Free Trade Economic Zone, known as the world’s largest ‘dry port’, which is crossed by both road and rail and will soon have air service. I have seen it, I am writing about it! At the pole of inaccessibility in Eurasia The Horgos ...

On March 26, 2023, Honduras stopped its diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established these formally with the Republic of China. On this decision, I spoke with the Vice Foreign Minister of the Republic of Honduras, Gerardo Torres Zelaya. What is the broader context of your government’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with the P.R. of China? Honduras, traditionally and especially ...

Below we present the third and final part of our interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and President of the Schiller Institute. What is your opinion about Ukraine? We know that you have criticized the US’s position on the war in Ukraine. What is your main objection on that? The poor Ukrainian people are being instrumentalized for dual strategic reasons. ...

By Orçun Göktürk * In August 2021, in the days when the American troops withdrew from Afghanistan desperately and the 20-year occupation ended with the victory of the Afghan people, Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s largest arms importing countries, was signing a military cooperation agreement with the Russian Federation in Moscow. The moment when Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Defense Minister ...

The political axes of the world are changing as a result of the economic rise of the Eastern nations. The world is Easternizing. The western-centered order is declining. And while the shifts in axes are causing new controversies in the global sense, they also result in tectonic bursts. The fault lines are now active… “Seek knowledge even if you have ...

The significance of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia cannot be understood in isolation from the symbolic messages it entails. The Chinese President was received with a standing ovation and awarded an honorary doctorate from King Saud University, in contrast to the apathy that US President Joe Biden experienced during his visit to the Kingdom last July. From ...

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited China on November 4 and met with President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Kuchiang. “Reducing one-sided dependencies”, “regulating economic relations on the basis of reciprocity”, “free and fair trade” were among the topics that came to the fore during Scholz’s visit accompanied by a delegation of Germany’s leading companies. His government partners in the ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat, Vladivostok, Russia The Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia’s easternmost city, witnessed China-Russia-India unity. Speaking at the Presidential Session, Li Zhanshu, second leader of the People’s Republic of China’s after the President Xi Jinping, said that Asian countries would lead humanity out of the current challenges. The 7th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), which took place in Russia’s ...