By Craig Murray * All Empires end in ignominy. The United Kingdom is drawing to a close, not with a bang but with a fart. A century from now, the dominant historical narrative will be Chinese, and Chinese historians will puzzle over how Boris Johnson fell over a lie about what he knew of sexual harassment by a very junior ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein* It is almost natural that countries (especially the powers that have more facilities to do so), want to solve their internal problems by unleashing conflicts abroad. For that, attacks on its national security are adduced, false nationalisms are exploited and Manichean calls are made for national unity in defense of the threatened sovereignty and integrity. Who ...

Everyone had known it had to come to this someday. Each change can be an opportunity for something new – but this particular one always causes stormy discussions, conflicts, the carousel of candidates turns faster and faster. The closer to the end of the year – the more Britons live by this one question: who will be the new Doctor ...

I was writing an article commenting on the recent Biden – Putin meeting in Geneva, which I consider a first – even if it remains very fragile – victory in the struggle of humanity to confront the terrible threats to its own existence, when I heard the news about the incident between the British and the Russian Navy in the ...

On January 31, 2019, the UK will begin the decisive phase of its exit from the EU. In accordance with the plan of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, approved by parliament in December last year, Britain should officially leave the European Union on January 31 at 11 o’clock in the evening. However, the transition period will start earlier, during which time ...

The UK-Africa 2020 Summit was held in the UK on January 20. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prince Harry visited the UK on Monday to prepare for global changes resulting from Brexit. PM @BorisJohnson met leaders from across Africa to discuss new and lasting partnerships that will deliver investment, jobs and growth. #InvestInAfrica — UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) ...

Turkey – Libya On December 12, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, an Egyptian and Emarati-backed marshal and the head of the East Libyan authority, announced the beginning of a decisive battle and his plans to advancement against Tripoli. Libyan media have reported fighting between Haftar and TNC forces on several fronts as Haftar’s forces approach the Libyan capital. Libya currently has two ...

In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper we will discuss the main factors which may impede the Labour Party from getting a majority and what historic experience indicates as the main keys for claiming hegemony. We will also examine the Brexit and EU question, under ...

As former Prime Minister Theresa May was struggling to master the juggling act of pushing a Brexit deal through Parliament, many people thought the UK’s ejection plan couldn’t possibly have spiralled out of control any faster. In the time Boris Johnson has served as Prime Minister thus far, however, the optimists have been proven wrong. Hi folks – here's what's ...

Boris Johnson recently became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by a majority vote of the Conservative Party, despite his spotty reputation. This has generated a lot of worry, as any poorly considered action on his part could endanger the EU and his premiership.   WHO IS THE NEW RESIDENT OF HOUSE DOWNING STREET? Boris Johnson is of Turkish, French ...