

Brazil’s economic and political rollercoaster

Brazil’s economic and political rollercoaster

Already the last Workers' Party President Rousseff had "capitulated to neoliberal policies" argues the author, which did not save her from impeachment. Lula faces even worse conditions today.
About defeats and victories in the Brazilian presidential election

About defeats and victories in the Brazilian presidential election

Political scenarios after Lula's electoral victory: Questions of governability and political programme.
Brazil: First reflections on the electoral results

Brazil: First reflections on the electoral results

While the Left and others worldwide celebrate Lula's victory - Fernando Esteche from Argentina makes some critical remarks on the elections results and the path ahead.
Brazil: Last hours before a historical election

Brazil: Last hours before a historical election

Extreme tension prevails in the last hours before the election, with competing Bolsonaro threatening not to recognize the results.
“Lula will revive BRICS”

“Lula will revive BRICS”

On the foreign policy fundamentals of the expected next President of Brazil.
The second round in Brazil in a context of polarization and growth of Bolsonarism

The second round in Brazil in a context of polarization and growth of Bolsonarism

Though Workers' Party candidate Lula leads in the first round, Senate and Chamber of Deputies' results show a strong gain for Bolsonaro's fraction.
Brazil chooses 2022: The numbers and more…

Brazil chooses 2022: The numbers and more…

Continuity of Bolsonarism or the return of Lula?
Brazil will deem priority to Africa

Brazil will deem priority to Africa

Brazil's coming foreign policy in case of an electoral victory of Lula da Silva.
Working class and trade unions in the context of the Brazilian presidential elections

Working class and trade unions in the context of the Brazilian presidential elections

Exclusive interview with Eliane Bandeira, President of the Unified Workers’ Central (CUT-SINTE/RN)
Brazilian presidential candidate (and favorite) Lula: “Instead of depending on the US Dollar, we will create a common currency for Latin America”

Brazilian presidential candidate (and favorite) Lula: “Instead of depending on the US Dollar, we will create a common currency for Latin America”

Lula's advisers propose to establish a South American Central Bank - comments from Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil itself.