“Why is the newest Bond movie ‘No Time to Die’ considered the least realistic in the series’ history? Because it shows a Brit in a fully fueled car.” This is just one of a multitude of jokes typical of those facing the current crisis. The problem is absolutely real in this case, and cannot be explained only by the hysteria ...

Tensions between France and the United Kingdom have erupted on fishing rights and territorial waters around the Channel island Jersey. Around 50 French fisherman boats were dispatched to block the entrance of the island’s main port. Both sides dispatch naval ships France also dispatched two naval patrol vessels to Jersey, a French maritime police headquarters spokesperson said on Thursday. The ...

Trump and coronavirus On December 27 Donald Trump signed a proposed Covid-19 relief and spending bill. “I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more,” the US president declared. However, he refused to approve ...

The US Supreme Court and Texas Texans are protesting the outcome of the US election at the highest level. Although the mainstream media has recognized Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election, several states have not agreed to accept the results. For example, a Republican state legislator in Texas has promised to introduce a bill in the ...

Venezuela: a convincing victory for Maduro After long expectations, the Venezuelan legislative elections went smoothly. President Nicolas Maduro, whose PSUV’s bloc (the United Socialist Party of Venezuela) received 67.6% of votes, called on the opposition to resume dialogue in the new National Assembly. The Democratic Alliance took 17.95% of the votes, the United Venezuela Alliance obtained 4.19%, the Popular Revolutionary ...

Serbian and Kosovo leaders to Trump Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti signed an agreement on normalizing economic relations in Washington on September 4. The parties reached a number of agreements, although the clause of the mutual recognition of Belgrade and Pristina was not specified in the final version of the document. The signing took place ...

The Deal of the Century US President Donald Trump presented a plan to “resolve” the decades long Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which his administration has been developing for about three years. https://uwidata.com/7490-trumps-deal-of-the-century-a-stillborn-plan-for-legalized-apartheid/ According to the plan, Jerusalem will be the indivisible capital of the Jewish state, with a Palestinian capital being created in East Jerusalem. In addition, Israel would have power over ...

On January 31, 2019, the UK will begin the decisive phase of its exit from the EU. In accordance with the plan of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, approved by parliament in December last year, Britain should officially leave the European Union on January 31 at 11 o’clock in the evening. However, the transition period will start earlier, during which time ...

In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper we will discuss the main factors which may impede the Labour Party from getting a majority and what historic experience indicates as the main keys for claiming hegemony. We will also examine the Brexit and EU question, under ...

The British elections scheduled to take place on December 12th constitute a milestone for the evolution of the European and global situation. They are the most important elections in Europe after those in Greece in 2015, which brought a radical, anti-systemic force to the EU and NATO– or, at least, a force pretending to be such, and voted in because ...