On June 21, the founding meeting of a new organization, the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the BRICS+ countries, took place in the Russian city of Kazan. The meeting of the new body was attended by more than 200 mayors, vice-mayors and leaders of associations of municipalities of the BRICS states and cooperating countries: Russia, China, India, South Africa, ...

By Islam FaragOn August 15, 1971, US President Richard Nixon gave a television speech in which he announced the cancellation of direct international conversion from the dollar to gold. This move effectively led to the collapse of the Bretton Woods international monetary system established after World War II, under which the US dollar was convertible into gold at a rate ...

By Umur Tugay Yücel / Political Scientist BRICS is the most democratic, most egalitarian, most tolerant civilization and civilization project of the 21st century. Defining only an economic and commercial center for BRICS is missing. BRICS is an economic and commercial player as well as an unquestionably cultural actor. Because the BRICS structure is a global ocean of civilization and ...

Evidence found by archaeologists and other specialists in Western Asia shows that as far back as three millennia ago there were ties of friendship, as well as alliances and commitments to establish limits, mutual defense agreements and cooperation mechanisms between Sumerians, Egyptians, and Babylonians, Assyrians and Medea. Likewise, it is known that in Asia, Africa and America, as well as ...

On 5 April 2024, in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, a round table was held in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant. Its title: “On the importance of the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different political systems to ensure genuine peace and sustainable security in the 21st century. Immanuel Kant’s legacy”. The ...

Russian economist Sergey Glazyev gave Turkish TV channel CNN TÜRK an interview covering the topics of effects of the sanctions on Russia, changing trading profile of Russia after the sanctions, relations between Russia and Türkiye, “BRICS currency”, trade with local currencies and possibility of Türkiye joining BRICS. The interview, including the introductory part, was translated from Turkish into English by ...

Sputnik interviewed UWI author Mehmet Perinçek on BRICS. In the interview Mehmet Perinçek shared his views on the expansion of BRICS, possibility of Türkiye joining the organization, joint currency project of the organization, the need for a “central strategy” and that BRICS could be an alternative also for Europe. UWI translated the interview, including the introductory part of Sputnik, from ...

By Jacques Cheminade, president of the French political party Solidarité et Progrès We have reached the most dangerous moment for mankind ever. The conditions of mutual destruction, provocative actions and hateful rhetoric, that prevailed in some regions of the world before, are spreading now everywhere. Inevitability? The present rules-based order Fyudor Lukyanov, Director of the Valdai Discussion Club and chairman ...

By Umur Tugay Yücel The 53rd Davos Forum was held in 2023 with the theme “Cooperation in a Fractured World”. A fragmented world was mentioned for the first time in a Western-based organization that is representative of Western civilization. Then, comments and determinations that our world was divided or fragmented began to increase. Most analyzes have shown us that division ...

The resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, beyond being a national liberation movement, in the current context has evolved into a significant component and forefront of humanity’s defiance against the unipolar, Western-centric world. In accordance with this reality, Western countries have lined up in support of Israel, their outpost in the East. To avoid any damage on ...