By Walter Sorrentino * It is an honor to address you in congratulating on the success of the 20th Congress of the CPC of China at a time of rejoicing for theextraordinary victoryachieved in Brazil, electing president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. We defeated the main world representative of the extreme right in the government of a large country, who ...

New Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang’s choice of Africa as the destination of his first foreign tour, since taking office late last year, came as no surprise. Qin’s visit started on January 9. The trip included Ethiopia, the headquarters of the African Union, Gabon, Angola and Benin, Cairo and the headquarters of the League of Arab States. It was a ...

On November 7, the Republic of Algeria has officially and formally applied for membership in the BRICS, the organization comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune already had participated in the BRICS summit in June. He was the first speaker on the summit held online, calling for “a new economic order where parity and ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * The framework on which the United States has been built upon is sustained by the idea of being a people chosen by God. A close look at the speeches of all its presidents shows the presence and continuity of this concept in all of them, although they have been careful to adapt it to each ...

The words of Turkey’s second President İsmet İnönü, one of the leaders of our War of Independence, “A new world will be established, and Turkey will take its place there” have become an apothegm. Behind İnönü’s sentence, there is a realistic foresight: “One day, this defense system of the West will collapse!” The relevant part of İsmet İnönü’s statement for ...

The Ukraine crisis has set debates on the so-called rules based order and multipolarity on the global agenda. BRICS is a usual suspect when talk comes to the polycentric or multipolar world system. And the 2006 established alliance between Brazil, Russia, India and China that later included also South Africa may present news very soon – with the inclusion of ...

While the Ukraine crisis continues, Washington is trying to increase Western pressure on countries that do not participate in the sanctions against Russia. India is one of these countries that do not join the US-led coalition against Russia, resisting the pressure from the West. With a tradition of the non-alignment movement, India refrained from voting on United Nations resolutions imposing ...

“The BRICS alliance is strategic for Brazil’s national and sovereign development, the coming Lula government wil definitely not support efforts to isolate Russia internationally”, said Walter Sorrentino in interview with United World International. The conflict in Ukraine is continuing, while NATO’s eastward expansion, Russia’s response and US attempts of imposing global sanctions on Moscow are being discussed on nearly every ...