
Burkina Faso

Tuaregs in Burkina Faso

Tuaregs in Burkina Faso

Historical overview and regional perspectives.
The meaning of Mali-Burkina federation

The meaning of Mali-Burkina federation

Current borders are results of colonialism - their change is an important step towards Pan African unity.
Burkina Faso: France is at the helm of Africa’s decolonization

Burkina Faso: France is at the helm of Africa’s decolonization

Burkina Faso has a strategic advantage to choose a multipolar development path.
France is losing Africa

France is losing Africa

Macron is covering his neocolonial ambitions.
Burkina Faso: Awakening from Neocolonialism

Burkina Faso: Awakening from Neocolonialism

The change of government in Burkina Faso showed a growing trend of anti-French sentiment.
African Liberation: Why the Military is taking control of African countries

African Liberation: Why the Military is taking control of African countries

Burkina Faso is already the third country where the military took over the power.
Another coup against France: Burkina Faso

Another coup against France: Burkina Faso

US and French supported ECOWAS sanctions on West Africa are of no avail. New government opens border to Mali, breaching sanctions, and is suppported by Russia and China ain the UNSC. by Rys
Who is protesting against France in Africa and why?

Who is protesting against France in Africa and why?

Several African countries, from Burkina Faso to Niger, from Mali to the Central African Republic are rejecting French presence.