Hollywood has been forming a separate genre by spreading fear about the future of our world with dystopian science fiction movies. Some popular ones also cover actual threats. Recent examples are the Netflix movie “Leave the World Behind”, produced among others by the Obama couple, and “Civil War” directed by Alex Garland. It’s not surprising that dystopias, which reflect the ...

Reporting from Cairo, Egypt The recent decision of Egypt to withdraw its recognition of the Libyan National Unity Government headed by Abdel Hamid Al-Dbeibeh has sparked a controversy over this sharp shift in Cairo’s official position, especially as it has significant repercussions on Egypt’s interests in Libya, which the Al-Dbeibeh government still dominates the largest industry in here. In September ...

By Cansu Yiğit In recent weeks, Tripoli has witnessed renewed clashes. These demonstrate – again – that NATO and its political arm, the United Nations, are only capable to destroy states and cause disintegration. They are not able to establish an order. Lots of people may have not liked the regime of Qaddafi. But his overthrow has not provided freedom. ...

In spite of the declining image that is every day being drawn in more detail, world hegemony and the performance of the United States continue to be axial for the global capitalist system – despite the storming of Capitol Hill. We are talking about the highest expression of contemporary imperialism, an actor of amazing influence, whose actions can change everything ...

There is no need to summarize the events of yesterday again. Everyone has watched the assault on the US Congress in Washington DC live on TV.  But the exceptional circumstances of the United States are not limited to this assault.  A specific process is taking place that has not started yesterday and will not end with the Congress building being ...

Donald Trump and Khalifa Haftar are coming closer and closer together, which implies that the confrontation between Libyan Interim Government coalition and the National Forces Alliance (NFC) will soon become inevitable. The United States, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all support Haftar. Haftar himself is actively oppressing Libyan Muslims under the pretext of fighting ISIS. LIBYA’S ...