Turkey’s public agenda had been busy with discussions about the riots in Washington DC, as well as the ongoing struggle against the coronavirus pandemic. Many politicians in Turkey from all political parties have reacted to the riots that started with a storming of the US Capitol on January 4. On the other hand, the recent drop in the number of ...

2020 has been one of the strangest, hardest and most eventful years this century. It began with the high-profile assassination of IRGC General Qassem Soleimani by the Americans, which almost provoked a war between Iran and the US, the fires in Australia, continued with the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, massive protests in the United States, the attempted colour revolution in Hong ...

INTRODUCTION The pandemic derived from the Covid_19 has attacked almost everyone to a different extent. The Ibero-American region has been one of those significantly affected. While the first cases of the virus came later than elsewhere such as Europe or the United States, the truth is that in some Latin American countries its impact has been much greater, with more ...

Although the COVID-19 pandemic was in decline in the summer of 2020, it struck again with the beginning of Autumn. Numbers of infected are growing worldwide. The United States, Turkey, Europe and India are watching the growth of coronavirus infections with alarm. At the same time, the development of vaccines which could provide general immunity are reaching the finish line. ...

New restrictions As the number of cases of coronavirus infection increases, the UK will again prohibit people from gathering in groups of more than six people. This was reported by the BBC on Tuesday, September 8. The new rules will take effect on September 14. The decision to tighten the rules of social distancing followed after the country began to ...

In Turkey, we have an interesting musical tradition that stretches back centuries, originally rooted in religious traditions. Every year during holy Ramadan, for a full month at around 3 am, traditional drummers roam the streets playing loudly and sometimes reciting rhymes to wake people up for their “sahur” meal and to get ready for the next day’s fasting. People donate ...

The World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU) is an international youth platform established by 23 youth organizations from 12 countries in Istanbul on 29th October 2014. It aims to unite all the youth of the world under the same roof of anti-imperialism regardless of any differences. The below statement is the joint youth declaration on the new world after COVID-19 pandemic, ...

The risk of a second outbreak and possible responses have begun to be debated in the Turkish public. RISING NUMBERS Until today, 4,792 people had died of the coronavirus in Turkey, and the total number of confirmed cases has reached 176,677, with 1,459 more people had been tested positive with the virus in the past 24 hours, Health Minister Fahrettin ...

New coronavirus outbreak in China China, the first to defeat the dangerous wave of coronavirus, has taken new tough measures in response to the discovery of new Covid-19 infections in Beijing. It all started with the detection of the virus on a salmon board in the Xinfadi market, Fengtai, Beijing’s largest wholesale market. According to the press service of the ...

The pre-pandemic trends away from the West have been accelerating and starting to take its shape gradually over the course of the pandemic, but have brought with them many paradoxes. ‘DISORDERED WORLD ‘ High Representative of the European Union(EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell’s expressions serve as a brief summary of the situation: “The world order was ...