By Fernando Esteche This week’s coup attempt in Bolivia has shaken not only the country but the entire continent, raising eyebrows even in Eurasia. This is due to the fact that the Bolivian government represents a path to independence, self-determination and industrialization in the so-called US backyard. Very soon after its failure, voices emerged in the country that claimed that ...

I write this week from Chile where I attended an international seminar organized by the Municipality of Recoleta, the XXI Constituent Foundation and other organizations to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the fall in combat of President Allende and the enthronement of the fascist civil-military dictatorship that established itself in this country for the duration of 17 years. A gloomy ...

According to various sources, more than 30 people were detained in Kyrgyzstan this week. Potentially, their number could grow to 100 or more. The arrests happened because the secret service has identified a certain group that was planning a violent seizure of power and a coup d’état. Yes, and with a Russian trace, allegedly. Monday, June 5, began with reports ...

The protests in Peru after the impeachment of President of President Pedro Castillo are continuing. While the United States has established contact with the new installed President Dina Boluarte – in an obvious attempt to lend legitimation, several Latin American countries are insisting that Castillo continues to be the legitimate president. But the duration and radicalism of the protests indicate ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat The resistance against the US-backed coup continues in Peru. Imprisoned President Pedro Catillo took his supporters to the streets with the letters he wrote. As the conflict intensified, Castillo delivered the message of ‘continuing the fight against the USA’. Pedro Castillo was sacked and sent to prison in Peru, where a US-backed parliamentary coup took place, but ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * The Peruvian political class has always possessed an intrinsic duplicity that characterizes and shapes it. Betrayal is in their genes since long gone times. The felony that is still part of their daily existence started already at the time of the conquest and colonization. Francisco de Pizarro, the one who betrayed Atahualpa, was in turn ...

The struggle for government in Peru is continuing. After the impeachment of President Pedro Castillo by the country’s Congress, Castillo’s supporters took to the streets. Protests erupted in different cities of the country. Protesters occupied Andahuaylas airport in the south of the country. Mine workers have been marching from southern parts of the country towards the capital Lima, where protesters ...

By Oscar Rotundo* On July 28, 2021, Pedro Castillo assumed the presidency of Peru after having defeated the right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori in the second round by a narrow difference. Fujimori, daughter of the former president convicted of crimes against humanity and other political and economic crimes, was defeated in her third attempt to become president of the country. Pedro ...

For almost a century and a half France maintained a substantial colonial empire in Africa, stretching from the Maghreb through the Western and Central sub-Saharan regions. Though direct rule ended in the early 1960’s, French influence over its former possessions continued. Through political, economic, and cultural connections, France has attempted to maintain a hegemonic foothold in Francophone Africa, both to ...

On September 5, a military coup took place in Guinea, a small African state in the west of the continent. A group of soldiers led by army Col. Mamadi Doumbouya arrested the president of Alpha Conde. The military junta, which took over the power, closed the country’s borders and abrogated the constitution. The world community condemned the coup. The Turkish ...