While globally the COVID pandemic continues and only few countries have developed vaccination and the majority of the humanity is depending on so-called vaccine diplomacy to get access to prevention and cure, Cuba, an island of 11 million facing a fierce US blockade, has succeeded in developing its own vaccination. They are named Soberana 02 and Abdala. And now, Cuba ...

By Dr. Christopher Ford Dr. Ford served until January 8, 2021, as Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation, and for the last 15 months of that period also performed the duties of the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Prior to that service at the State Department, he ran the Weapons of Mass ...

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum took place June 2 – 5, 2021. The forum was the largest event on economics in the post-pandemic world. 13,500 participants from 141 countries attended the forum. 43 ministers from foreign nations, 93 diplomats (84 of which were top ambassadors) participated alongside 9 Russian Deputy Prime Ministers and 6 Ministers. 5,000 of the total ...

In light of the significant economic losses caused by the partial curfew that Egypt implemented for several weeks last year, the government has been utterly reluctant to take similar measures. But with the increase in infections again to more than 1000 recorded infections per day within the third wave of the pandemic, a much lower number than unregistered domestic isolation ...

The Communist Party of Cuba has just finished its 8th Congress. It has held its first congress in 1975. The Communist Party Congress is the most important political event on the island. There were three days of extensive debate and analysis around the main issues in the socio-economic life of the country. Raúl Castro accomplished his work as First Secretary ...

United World International is starting a survey on the global Covid-19 situation, consulting its various experts in different countries. By Nuño Rodríguez, political scientist The pandemic situation in Spain has from the beginning been determined by uncertainty. The uncertainty has been the confusing, inaccurate, and misleading information that the government has disseminated in the media. That is not counting the ...

Turkey had an unusual week, with numerous topics on the public agenda five of which were very prominent. The First had was the dissolution of the political party Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which was widely known as a supporter of the PKK/YPG terrorist organizations. The second was Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, which was signed in order to fight ...

The Tel Aviv administration promises other countries COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for moving their embassies to Jerusalem. Guatemala has moved its embassy Jerusalem, whereas Honduras and the Czech Republic are also planning to move their embassies, they reported. While Palestinians are waiting for vaccination, Israel sends vaccines to its allies in distant countries in return for opening their embassies in ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy with three important events. The first was the Defense Minister Hulusi Akar’s visit to Baghdad, where he met important Iraqi officials to discuss important strategic issues. The second was the important diplomatic meeting between the foreign ministers of Iran and Turkey. During the meeting, Mevlut Cavusoglu and Javad Zarif discussed bilateral ...

Last week, the public agenda was occupied with three main topics in Turkey. The first was the ‘shadow State Department’ CFR’s report called Preventive Priorities Survey 2020, and especially the parts that concerns Turkey over the issues in the Eastern Mediterranean, Syria and Turkey as a member of NATO in general. The second agenda was the 13th ECO Summit which ...