The global capitalist economy seems in disarray. From increasing inflation to vulnerable supply chains, from endangered food production to energy transition and crisis – complaints and warning calls rise at nearly every chapter and branch of the world economy. United World International thus has started a new series of articles and interviews that will shed light on the situation of ...

The global capitalist economy seems in disarray. From increasing inflation to vulnerable supply chains, from endangered food production to energy transition and crisis – complaints and warning calls rise at nearly every chapter and branch of the world economy. United World International thus has started a new series of articles and interviews that will shed light on the situation of ...

The exchange rate between the Turkish Lira and the US Dollar is deteriorating heaviliy to the disatvantage of the former, indicating a currency crisis. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times on the crisis, its historical background and geostrategic dimensions. Below we present the interview, which can also be read here. Subtitles ...