UWI author Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Egypt on Turkish TV channel Ulusal Kanal. Below we present the transcription of the interview translated to English. How do you assess the recent developments in Türkiye-Egypt relations? There has been a long period of “estrangement” between Türkiye and Egypt. Contrary to expectations, President Erdoğan and his Egyptian ...

Reporting from Cairo / Egypt The visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Cairo gains its importance not only from the fact that it is the first to Egypt by a Turkish president in 12 years and after years of acute tension, but also from the fact that it comes at an extremely dangerous time in which fears are ...

The war in Palestine continues. It is framed especially by Western politicians and media as a conflict between Israel and Hamas. Is that true? Türkiye has proposed to establish a guarantor system on Gaza and presented itself as ready to take responsibility. What does that mean? And, what should the regional countries do in order to prevent an Israeli ground ...

By Tevfik Kadan The US House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which involves a decision to establish new bases on the Aegean islands. The bill, which encompasses the budget for the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) for the fiscal year 2024 and sets defense spending policies, was passed in the House of Representatives last month. The $886 billion bill includes a ...

On his recent summit, NATO has approved new so-called defense plans against Russia. What are the consequences of these for Türkiye’s foreign relations generally and with Russia specifically? How should certain statements from parts of the Turkish government be evaluated? United World International author Mehmet Perinçek elaborated in our interview on these questions. How do you evaluate possible provocations of ...

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan agreed to submit Sweden’s NATO membership to the approval of the Turkish Grand National Assembly during the trilateral summit in Vilnius. The joint statement after the summit on the evening of July 10 involves “Sweden’s steps to address Türkiye’s concerns” like intensifying the fight against the terrorist organization PKK and even making amendments in related laws. ...

The Mediterranean is a geographical area of great geopolitical importance due to its strategic location between Europe, Asia and Africa. The region is rich in natural resources and has a long history of trade and navigation. In the past, European powers have struggled for control of Mediterranean trade routes, and even today, the region is an object of interest for ...

By Micaela Constantini * Faced with the scenery of international conflict and geopolitical transition, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with their watchdog NATO, are trying to maintain their hegemony in key geopolitical territories such as the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Western Balkans and the South Atlantic. This year the world went through a profound process of transformations ...

The public agenda in Turkiye has been busy with three main topics last week. The first was the meeting that was held between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, in the opening ceremony of the Qatar World Cup 2022. Second was the ongoing debates on a possible diplomatic meeting between Erdogan and his ...

And they posed for a photo. After 9 years of crises, President Erdoğan and his Egyptian counterpart al-Sisi met in Qatar. There are claims that it was not just a photo, but also a short meeting. Qatar is reportedly the mediator. There has been a lot of ebb and flow between Türkiye and Egypt in the recent period. First, messages ...