Europe France vs. Turkey and Russia On June 22, French President Emmanuelle Macron declared at a joint press conference with Tunisian President Kais Said that “Turkey plays a dangerous game in Libya”. Later Macron also accused Russia of interference in the Libyan conflict. On June 29, French President said he was concerned about the presence of PMC Wagner in the ...

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan agree to resume GERD negotiations On June 26, the African Union organized a “mini-summit” with leaders from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, South Africa, Kenya, DR Congo and Mali. As a result of negotiations on GERD – Ethiopia’s Blue Nile HPP – Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan decided to form a legal and technical committee to work out ...

The fight against the construction of the Ethiopian GERD dam continues, while the last negotiations of the key stakeholders – Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia – have reached an impasse. The resolution, drafted by Egypt and endorsed by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Arab League countries, with the exception of Djibouti and Somalia, was adopted via videoconference. The Arab League ...

Today, after 108 years, Turkey is back in Libya. Despite the COVID 19 outbreak, Turkish warships have been flying their flags along Libya’s coast uninterrupted for the past four months. Since Turkey signed an MoU with Libya on November 27, 2019 to delimit the southwest portion of its Blue Homeland maritime border, the roughly 1000-mile zone between Marmaris/ Aksaz naval ...

Diplomacy requires seeing an issue from the opposing side’s perspective and coming up with a reasonable offer well defending one’s own demands. Otherwise, the steps taken to ensure diplomacy is effective would not give the desired expectations, and the discourse would in effect remain a monologue. Diplomacy is the art of leaving a gap open for the other side to ...

China-EU-USA: an attempt to reach an agreement Over the past week, Chinese and European diplomats have agreed on a joint video conference to cool tensions. After a string of accusations and scandals about the Coronavirus, this will be the first attempt at constructive negotiations. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Charles Michel, President of the European ...

By Nardine Ali – Cairo/Egypt Cairo, June 17, 2020: Over the past week, the Egyptian foreign ministry led two active campaigns to promote its stances regarding two of the critical issues it has on its plate: the new round of negotiations with its Ethiopian and Sudanese neighbours to solve the dispute over Ethiopia’s dam on the Nile River, and finding ...

The Exclusive Economic Zone Agreement signed between Greece and Italy shows that Greece has waived its claims regarding the contested islands of the Eastern Mediterranean. The agreement essentially confirms that Turkey has sea borders with Libya, Israel and Palestine. The Greek Foreign Minister and his Italian counterpart met in Athens on July 9, and put their signatures on an agreement ...

On June 16, Al-Arabiya TV reported that the Egyptian Parliament had given President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi the authority to take measures against Libya and the Renaissance Dam. هيئات برلمانية تفوض السيسي لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة بشأن ليبيا وسد النهضة #العربية_عاجل — العربية عاجل (@AlArabiya_Brk) June 16, 2020 Thus the Egyptian authorities have once again indicated that they are ready to ...

The risk of a second outbreak and possible responses have begun to be debated in the Turkish public. RISING NUMBERS Until today, 4,792 people had died of the coronavirus in Turkey, and the total number of confirmed cases has reached 176,677, with 1,459 more people had been tested positive with the virus in the past 24 hours, Health Minister Fahrettin ...