Turkey, which strengthened its hand through agreements made with the Government of National Accord (GNA), have gained military superiority in Libya with the advance of the GNA. The ceasefire declared by Egyptian President el-Sisi, General Khalifa Haftar and Aguile Saleh in Cairo, can be considered evidence of the GNA’s Turkey-reinforced military triumph. Turkey has, in sum, procured its dominance in ...

Turkey and Egypt have significant importance not only in the region, but also in the world, with state traditions going back thousands of years. Relations between these two countries have been tense after the overthrow of Mohammad Morsi in 2013. The Turkish government’s insistent support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s anti-Turkish actions with the Greek-Southern Cypriot axis in the Eastern ...

Most observers today ask whether the zero hour of the first water war is upon us, after the rapid developments in the positions of the three countries, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on the issue of the Renaissance Dam. https://uwidata.com/10005-will-ethiopia-force-egypt-to-carry-out-the-first-strike-of-the-african-water-wars/ Egyptian preparedness Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi directed, during his recent meeting with the army leaders, to show the utmost readiness ...

On May 19, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok held talks with his Egyptian counterpart Mustafa Madbouli on the Nile dam project in Ethiopia (Grand Ethiopean Renaissance Dam – the GERD). The Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Water Resources of the two countries also took part in the conversation. “In a teleconference meeting, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and his Egyptian ...

NATO’s support for the GNA On May 16, the Prime-Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) Fayez Al-Sarraj held a telephone conversation with the general secretary of NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Nato’s support for the GNA brings a new actor to the Libyan conflict. It’s worth noting that this is a rare expression of support for the government in ...

The question is no longer whether, but when “detente” will occur between Egypt and Turkey. Over the past few years, Turkey and Egypt have been at loggerheads. Just over seven years ago, in November 2013, Egypt expelled the Turkish ambassador, leaving the two countries with representation at the level of Chargé d’affaires. Since then, there has been a fierce war ...

The risks of the first water war in Africa seem high as Addis Ababa shows it is not ready to compromise on the construction of a dam which could end up having disastrous effects on Egypt’s water economy. An article by UWI’s Islam Farag on the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has caused a storm of outrage among Ethiopian ...

The international peace agenda in Libya has been gaining momentum. Egyptian support for the ceasefire plan, which was put forward at the initiative of Turkey and Russia, has led people to wonder if the relationship between Ankara and Cairo might finally improve as a result of mutual interests in the region. In previous articles we discussed the possibility that Cairo ...

Throughout their decades long history, Egyptian-Russian relations have never taken a straight line. In some periods, the two countries reached an apex of understanding, while in others they receded to to the point of severing ties altogether. Though consular relations between Egypt and Russia began in 1784, diplomatic relations between Egypt and the Soviet Union started only in 1943. The ...

“The disconnection between Turkey and Egypt has created opportunities for both countries enemies and cost both countries and the Islamic world a great deal. Ankara and Cairo have no further option but to cooperate and collaborate… why not consider making a deal similar to the one that was made with Libya?” The statements above come from Yasin Aktay, the Advisor ...