This is how the Turkish pro-government newspaper Yeni Şafak announced the recent diplomatic effort of the Turkish government. While presidential elections, scheduled for December 24, are getting closer in Libya, Turkey has made an important diplomatic opening. A delegation representing the House of Representatives (HoR), from Libya’s eastern parts, is paying Ankara an official 3-day visit. The Libyan delegation is ...

By Adem Kılıç Political scientist / author Since the end of After Muammar Ghaddafi’s 42 years long rule in 2011, Libya has been witnessing circumstances of complete chaos. In this chaotic scenery, “democratic elections” were held twice, in 2012 and 2014. However, these elections did not end the chaos, instead, they have deepened the existing division within the country, and ...

By Fernando Esteche* In 2009, a coup of a new kind was carried out in Honduras in order to disrupt the possibility of Honduras’ strategic alliance with Bolivarian Venezuela through ALBA. The coup by Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton, then vice-president and secretary of state of President Barack Obama, was undisguised. Months after the coup, a mock general election was ...

The upcoming Libyan elections provide a real opportunity to cool the heat of the conflict in North Africa, and transfer it from one level to another, revealing the true political weight of all parties, assuming that the elections are held in a peaceful manner that reflects the will of the Libyan people. Allegations and maneuvers There are allegations and maneuvers ...

Ahead of the December 24 elections, the UN announced a change of the special envoy to the country. On December 6, UN Secretary General António Guterres appointed U.S. diplomat Stephanie Williams to lead a mediation mission in Libya. The announcement followed the news that Jan Kubis was leaving the post of UN special envoy for Libya. Key elections Libya, plunged ...

Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, candidate of the Free Party (Partido de Libertad y Refundacion – LIBRE) for the presidential elections of November 28, seems to have achieved a landslide victory. Though official results have not been announced yet, Castro, who calls herself a “democratic socialist”, has a lead of 20% over the next competitor with more than 50% of the ...

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is heading towards elections that will be held on November 21. Some 21 million voters will elect 23 state governors, mayors, and municipal councils. Venezuela is a federal republic. The opposition has been boycotting the elections since 4 years, but this time, oppositional parties have decided to take part. A dialogue is established between government ...

The political uncertainty in Libya is continuing and reaches new heights with the general elections scheduled for December 24. The conflicts between the eastern and western parts of the country and the increased interventions of Western countries even cast doubts on whether the elections will be held on time, as United World International has reported previously. In this context, the ...

This Sunday, November 7, 2021, general elections were held in the Republic of Nicaragua to elect president, vice president, 90 deputies of the unicameral National Assembly and 20 legislators of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN). The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) reported that more than 4 million Nicaraguans were eligible to vote, for which more than 3,000 voting centers were established ...

By Ana Laura Dagorret* After Trump’s defeat in 2020, the GOP offensive to regain the White House in 2024 has begun. With false allegations of improvable fraud in states where the former President won in 2016 and the promotion of projects to make it harder to vote, the strategy for what is to come has become the guarantee of a ...