
Elon Musk

Who are the puppeteers behind the puppet called Javier Milei

Who are the puppeteers behind the puppet called Javier Milei

An analysis based on the practice of the Argentine president in economy policy.
Elon Musk: Another billionaire in conflict with the US of the Democrats

Elon Musk: Another billionaire in conflict with the US of the Democrats

And his place within changing alignments within US politics.
Elon Musk: Rider of the Apocalypse

Elon Musk: Rider of the Apocalypse

Just as Odysseus, after a long and arduous wandering on the seas, returned to his native Ithaca to his faithful wife Penelope, so man, after a long and arduous wandering in illusory worlds, will return to his mother Earth and to human beings - his only cosmic brothers.