French President Emmanuel Macron has advocated in various statements at different times for the creation of an independent European pole that is distant from the US, opposed to Russia and cooperating with China. To understand and evaluate Macron’s statements, it is useful to put the pieces back together, which were displaced with the Ukraine War. First, let me underline the ...

By D. Marjanovic, Croatia During his years in power, French President Emmanuel Macron has already learned to make dramatic statements. For example, he once said that NATO was in a state of clinical death, and he said it at a convenient moment when Donald Trump was in power in the United States. And in February of this year, Emmanuel Macron ...

By Odile Mojon, Paris, France After rumors of a possible “sharing” of France’s nuclear strike force, Emmanuel Macron spoke at a conference on February 26 about the possibility of sending French troops (or troops from other European Union countries) to Ukraine. This statement, which provoked strong protests, was made in front of the 27 heads of state and government and ...

By Yiğit Saner France is pursuing to form an alliance comprised of Western countries open to send troops to Ukraine. Poland supports the group led by Macron; they are trying to involve Germany. Additionally, the recent “Russian propaganda” wind in the US media is raising some questions. Paris is planning to send troops to Kyiv by forming an alliance with ...

France is shaken by demonstrations against President Macron’s retirement reform for two weeks. With the demonstrations showing no sign of stopping, Macron flew to China to meet Xi Jinping. Is France bound to the retirement reform due to its financial situation?What are the drivers of nationwide protest from the Yellow Vests movement to the recent demonstrations? Are there any serious ...

By Odile Mojon, Paris / France While France is facing a growing rejection in Africa, Emmanuel Macron began a four-days tour of Central Africa on March 1st, from Gabon to the Democratic Republic of Congo Brazzaville, via Angola and Congo. The aim? To proclaim – once again – the end of Françafrique, to develop a neutral approach refocused on “business” ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen This week France will be marked by strikes and demonstrations. On January 17th there were strikes by Teachers and National Education workers, on January 18th by railway workers, on January 19th by all sectors with the call of 8 unions and on January 21st there will be a big march in Paris with the call of ...

By Jacques Cheminade * The policy of the French government towards the war in Ukraine is based on a contradiction in principle. On the one hand French government proclaims, along with other EU member states and the US, the need for Ukraine to win this war, fully participates in the sanctions against Russia and sends arms to Kiev. On the ...

Political Scientist and UWI expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements about Türkiye and Russia in Russia Today broadcast. French President Macron, “Who wants Türkiye to be the only power in the world that talks to Russia?” made a statement. Right after, he made statements targeting Türkiye during his visit to Algeria. Russia Today asked UWI expert ...

By Odile Mojon-Cheminade * Despite a protest vote that has grown significantly during his mandate, Emmanuel Macron has been re-elected. A re-election that seemed, against all odds, very likely. For as brilliant as the strategy that allowed him this stunt was – letting the media do the campaigning for him while his opponents were sabotaging themselves – his re-election leaves ...