United World International expert Fabrizio Verde provided an interview to the Iranian daiy newspaper Tehran Times on the global repercussions of the Ukraine conflict. Below we present to our readers the interview as published on Tehran Times. The director of the online newspaper L’antidiplomatico says that the Ukraine war will change the geopolitical order of the world. “What happens in ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek provided an interview to the Iranian Mehr News Agency on the Ukrainian conflict, Western claims of a unipolar world, the emerging racism in Europe. Below we present the interview as published by Mehr news agency. Subtitles were set by UWI. The original interview can be read here. The clashes between Russia and Ukraine that ...

It is a big mistake to reduce Russia’s intervention to Ukraine to the category of war. What is going on is much more than a war. Following a long process, it is the moment where the Western advance has been stopped. Moscow’s forward step is irreversibly changing the balance of a world that has been revolving around the West. This ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...