Faruk Bildirici, one of the distinguished representatives of Turkish journalism, with whom I worked for 27 years at Hürriyet news, has consistently represented the interests of his readers over the past few years. After he was fired several months ago, Bildirici created his own website to continue his work. Last week Bildirici published a curious article entitled “Is Turkey an ...

The Secretary General of the of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, has once again charged Turkey and Iran with expansionism allegedly aimed at spreading their influence to the Arab countries of the Middle East. As he spoke in Cairo at the opening of an Arab Parliament seminar on “building a unified strategy to deal with neighbors”, Aboul ...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made an abrupt statement to the United States regarding the cessation of training for Turkish pilots in the American F-35 program due to Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense systems. The Turkish leader put an end to the disputes that have been going on for some time around the S-400 issue, saying: “I’m ...

On April 8, Turkish president Erdogan met Russian president Vladimir Putin. The meeting of the two leaders marked the opening of Turkish-Russian cultural interchange and tourism season. This is the third meeting of Erdogan with Putin since the beginning of 2019. Rusya’da iş dünyası temsilcileri toplantısındayız. https://t.co/Z9nCDfWjql — Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RT_Erdogan) April 8, 2019 S-400 One of the major ...

Turkey’s local elections Turkey held local elections on March 31, which ended in numerous disputed regions, leading the Commission to recount the votes. Particularly controversial was the battle for Istanbul, where the candidate from the ruling party, ex-speaker of parliament Binali Yıldırım and opposition member Ekrem İmamoğlu faced off. The US State Department had previously called on the parties to ...

On March 31, Turkey`s local elections took place with 57 93 985 voters participating. In Istanbul, an area of critical importance for all parties, updated data from Anadolu news unexpectedly ceased to appear, leading to a tense waiting period for both the population and participants. The following morning, the Chairman of the Turkish Central Election Commission (CEC) Sadi Güven declared that opposition ...

Turkey’s President authored two articles in the printed media in January – one in The New York Times and the other, in the Moscow-based business daily Kommersant. The two newspapers are as different at their home countries but Mr. Erdogan’s attempts to address both Russia and the US contain a certain common – and rather important – element. Last week, ...

2018 was a difficult and eventful year for Turkey. In terms of the internal political life of the country, the early parliamentary-presidential election held on June 24, was one of the most striking events. The election not only consolidated the results of completed reforms, it also gave the initiators of those reforms greater confidence moving forward. From the point of ...

On Monday, October 8, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Budapest. Of course, the meeting of two illiberal leaders provoked hysteria among the powerless liberals who oppose them. Hungarian MPs of a party credited with 1% support displayed a banner at parliament denouncing the new “dictators”, Putin, Erdogan and Orbán. Generation Identity, a tiny anti-Islam group unhappy with Erdogan’s visit, ...