The leading world powers convened between November 1884 and February 1885  in the city of Berlin, invited by France and Great Britain and organized by the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, to organize the division of Africa. A few years later, in May 1916, through the Sykes-Picot Agreement, Great Britain and France did the same in Western Asia and ...

By Irene Léon * Guayana Esequibo refers to a territory and sea that England coveted since the 19th century. The United States later placed it at the axis of the Monroe Doctrine and is now deploying a joint attack with its corporations, seeking to legitimize a situation of ‘ accommodated events ‘ that has been intensified since 2015. An air ...

Today, the Venezuelan people are asked to take part in a referendum on the Guayana Esequiba territory, a land mass of 160,000 km2 that is disputed between Venezuela and neighboring Guyana.   The population is asked 5 questions: Whether to reject the 1899 Paris Arbitration Award frontline between the two countries by “any means necessary”; to support the 1966 Geneva ...