NAFTA crisis On the 2nd of September US President Donald Trump  made an appeal to Congress, threatening to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) without a new agreement if legislators interfere in trade negotiations with Canada. ….Remember, NAFTA was one of the WORST Trade Deals ever made. The U.S. lost thousands of businesses and millions of jobs. ...

Europe Serbia: a step towards the recognition of Kosovo On August 9, Serbian President Alexander Vučić said he was in favor of delimitation with the Albanians in Kosovo, despite the fact that this decision will likely be unpopular in the country. The decision is part of an attempt at legitimizing the occupation of native Serbian territories in Kosovo in exchange ...

The gap between realty and political propaganda seems to grow every single day in Germany. In almost all decisive political topics the official policy and its loudspeakers in news and media object public opinion – in domestic and international topics. The question of Germany´s role in the European Union” is one of those tropics: While mainstream media celebrates Germany´s “positive ...

The intensification of the US-China trade war Talks between the US and China, held during the week of the 20th-26th of August didn’t lead to any productive results: new tariffs to the tune of $200 billion were imposed by the US. The Chinese government interprets the US’s politico-economical course as a consciousness attempt to weaken the Chinese state. China and ...

When Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or the “Iran nuclear deal”, in May 2018, the balance of geopolitical forces in the world was put on the verge of revolution. Trump’s move was not merely an instance of re-negotiating the US’ strategic position on one or more fronts. In all actuality, ...

The current political situation in Europe and North America, that is, in the “western world”, is marked by the emergence of populist movements. These new political forces question the hegemony of the old parties of the liberal system, who are now threatened with being deposed in elections. In fact, when the parties of the ruling system lost crucial elections in ...

US-Turkey: the conflict escalates On the 1st of August the U.S. government imposed sanctions against Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu over the  imprisonment of Andrew Brunson. The United States has blamed both for being involved in Brunson’s arrest and detention. The Pastor was accused by the Turkish government of being connected with Gulenist groups and is seen ...

Europe NATO summit: Realist Trump against European liberals July 11-12 in Brussels the NATO summit took place. The behavior of the President of the United States Donald Trump attracted the attention of most of the world media. He firstly criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel for buying gas from Russia and refusing to raise military spending to a level agreed to ...

On June 1, 2018, something new and unexpected happened in Spain: A victorious motion of censure led Pedro Sánchez (PSOE – Socialist party) to the presidential palace. Sánchez’s party only has 84 seats, so to obtain victory in this motion he gathered support from Unidos-Podemos, ERC, PDeCAT, PNV, Bildu, Compromis, and Nueva Canarias, adding 180 seats (absolute majority finds in ...

The Presidential elections in Mali The Presidential elections in Mali are scheduled to be held on the 29th of July 2018. They take place every 5 years. More than 8 million registered voters will vote: 23041 polling station are in operation. Among the 24 candidates, one candidate will win by achieving an absolute majority. The main contenders for victory are ...