Can there be a port at the farthest distance from the sea? I went to the Horgos Free Trade Economic Zone, known as the world’s largest ‘dry port’, which is crossed by both road and rail and will soon have air service. I have seen it, I am writing about it! At the pole of inaccessibility in Eurasia The Horgos ...

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum of 2022 had Egypt as main guest country. It has also been stated that the United Arab Emirates will be the guest country in the coming year, with an according agreement already signed by both sides. In the last year, main guest country was Qatar, while the year before, the forum was not convened ...

Washington’s Central Asia strategy received a serious blow with the Afghanistan defeat. The U.S. was not only forced to leave Afghanistan. Pakistan and the Central Asian countries rejected its demands for new military bases to relocate troops there. Thus, the U.S. found itself in a situation of leaving the region altogether. Still, control of Central Asian energy sources and transport ...

The European Union and the People’s Republic of China announced on the last days of the year 2020 that a Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI) was finally reached after years of negotiations. United World International spoke about the CAI with Dr. Liu Zuokui, Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies within the Institute of ...