By Mehmet Perinçek The quelling of the July 15-16, 2016, the FETÖ (Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization) coup attempt holds significance not only for Türkiye and the region but also on a global scale. Had Ankara fallen into the hands of the US Gladio, the Turkish state would have been internally undermined so that the territorial integrity of Türkiye would have ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani site Caliber.Аz about the Turkish-EU relations. We present the interview, published in Azerbaijani Turkish, to our readers translated into English. According to diplomatic sources, the results of the meeting of the EU General Affairs Council, which took place on December 12 and was devoted to issues of Commonwealth ...

7th anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt Türkiye commemorated the martyrs on the 7th anniversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt by the US/NATO-backed Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ). President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the ceremony to commemorate the seventh anniversary of July 15: “I respectfully commemorate all the brave individuals who selflessly embraced martyrdom without hesitation for ...

“The conflict in Ukraine is a broader one between NATO led by the United States and Eurasia led by Russia. In deciding whose side to take, Turkey should focus on its own national interests – and remember all the NATO coups against it” said United World International expert Yunus Soner in a recent interview to RT International. The interview has ...

Following the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan, Central Asia has once again returned to the focus of international politics. Meanwhile, the Turkish foreign ministry long declared the “Asia Anew” initiative, aiming at deepening relations with Asian countries. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Iranian Eastern Strategic Research Center on Turkey’s relations with Central Asian ...

Turkey now marks July 15 as Democracy and National Unity Day. The day is commemorated with events honoring those who lost their lives beating back the putschists. FETO and its US-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup which left 251 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured. The Turkish government accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow ...

The United States of America was the first country in the world to be built by sects. Representatives of the European persecution of Protestants settled in the New World to build their “city upon a hill”, a millenary Protestant utopia. It was a claim to build a new society, whose principles would extend to other nations in the future. As ...

Turkey has, once again, had an intense week on the political front. The relationship between Enver Altayli, a former staff member of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT), the Gulenist Terror Organization (FETO) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hit the headlines after new evidence was uncovered. The case is very important for Turkish domestic politics, not only because of Altayli’s ...

The European countries are almost competing with each other for the opportunity to take under their protection the Gülenists who fled from Turkey after the attempted coup d’etat on July 15. One gets the feeling that soon they will start organizing promotions to attract Gülen’s followers and grant them citizenship. After the failure of the coup d’etat some “prudent” members ...

Over the past few decades, the ideas of Turkish preacher, writer and political figure Muhammed  Fethullah Gülen have grown in popularity in Turkey, its neighboring countries, in the EU, the United States, and even the former USSR. Fethullah Gülen, for a long time, was an independent preacher, but later he began to attract many like-minded people. Some public figures in ...