It is not coincidental. It’s in the annals. The Mexican people did it once again as on many other occasions throughout history. It is true that Hernán Cortés was accompanied by a Malinche (last Sunday there was also another courting the past) but memory reminds us of Atotoztli, Tomiyahuatl, Eréndira and Tecuichpo, great women who forged the Aztec nation. In ...

Mexico is heading to elections on June 2nd. Ahead of these we spoke to Pedro Vázquez González, member of the National Coordination Committee of the Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo) and Federal Deputy in the Mexican Congress. Thanks for taking the time. Elections are coming up in Mexico… Indeed, we have the largest election in the history of Mexico because ...

We are presenting the second part of our interview with Rafael Barajas Durán. The first part of the interview dealt with the issue of drug trafficking, and ended with Barajas saying that the Mexican government is “trying to rescue national sovereignty in regards to security”. The concept of ‘national sovereignty’ stands in the very center of the second part of ...

By Rodrigo Guillot / Mexico City Four years into López Obrador’s presidency in Mexico, popular support for him and the project he heads is unprecedented. As the first leftist ruler in the country’s contemporary history, AMLO – as he is known in Mexico – has been able to keep the right wing on the sidelines. The president maintains a 67% ...

Mexico’s Fourth Transformation is continuing in a high pace. President López Obrador, who faces strong resistance both from domestic political forces as well as the United States, pursues reforms in energy, banking and agriculture. Meanwhile, his party MORENA (Movement of National Regeneration) is fighting a strong battle with its ally, the Labor Party (Partido Del Trabajo) both in the parliament ...

More than 90 million registered Mexican voters face the following question on April 10: “Do you agree that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United States of Mexico should be revoked from his mandate due to loss of confidence, or should he continue his presidency till the end of his term?” The so-called revocation referendum comes exactly on to ...

On March 15, the Mexican Chamber of Deputies commemorated the 139th anniversary of the passing away of Karl Marx. The lower chamber of the bicameral parliament of Mexico dedicated a distinct agenda item, with all represented parties’ holding speeches about the German philosopher considered main thinker of communism. During the speeches, both sides of the of the parliament’s speaker stand ...

Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected to Mexico’s presidency in 2018 as the candidate of MORENA (Movement of the National Regeneration), a political party he had founded just 7 years ago. Since the elections MORENA has established itself as the major political force in the country’s political life and succeeded in maintaining its majority in the legislation in midterm elections, ...

By Alberto Anaya Gutiérrez * The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) has demonstrated the importance of maintaining international cooperation for the exchange of experiences, to articulate policies and practices to reduce poverty and to promote development for the benefit of the Latin American population. As the Labor Party of Mexico, committed to the Fourth Transformation, we believe ...

By Mishelle Muñoz – Mexico City With thanks to Diego Ilinich Matus Taking over the presidency of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated in the ceremony in front of the Congress on December 1st, 2018: “Friends, by mandate of the people today we begin the fourth political transformation of Mexico, it may seem pretentious or exaggerated, but today a new ...