By Ali Rıza Taşdelen In France, regional elections will take place within a month, but all the eyes are directed on the presidential elections occurring in one year. Already today it seems pretty decided that President Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally will make it to the second and decisive round, where they will compete ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen In the last part, I had argued that the public letter among others signed by French Generals on duty and retired was directed against the French government, taking  a racist and anti-islamic stance, targeting the Muslims living in France and defending the country’s imperialist expansionist policies. The Turkish press reported on the event with headlines such ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen My first thought on reading the French military officers’ declaration published on April 21st in the extreme right-wing, xenophobe, islamophobic and racist magazine Valeurs Actuelle was: there is nothing here worth being analyzed. In summary, they were saying in a racist discourse that there was not enough fight against Islamism, thus provoking politically. The French government ...