After the scandal with the expulsion of the French ambassador from Burkina Faso, Paris was seriously concerned about its situation on the continent. On January 3, the French Foreign Ministry said that in December they received a letter requesting the recall of their ambassador from the African country. The expulsion of Ambassador Luc Hallade came a few days after the ...

French-drafted statement endorsing the sanctions imposed by the West African regional group ECOWAS against Mali was blocked by Russia and China on the United Nations Security Council. US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who expressed her full support for the sanction decision, also called the UNSC into action. However, the efforts of France and the USA were not ...

Last Sunday, January 9, the West African integration association ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) announced the imposition of sanctions against Mali. ECOWAS justified the sanctions formally with the refusal of the Malian government to hold elections in the country this year. The country’s ruling senior military had asked to postpone the elections until 2025. Sanctions against Mali would ...

The political uncertainty in Libya is continuing and reaches new heights with the general elections scheduled for December 24. The conflicts between the eastern and western parts of the country and the increased interventions of Western countries even cast doubts on whether the elections will be held on time, as United World International has reported previously. In this context, the ...

On October 25, amidst popular unrest, power in Sudan shifted to the military. The interim civilian Prime Minister, Abdalla Hamdok, was first arrested but later released. The army, headed by the head of Sudan’s Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, assumed full responsibility for the country’s fate. The precondition for the redistribution of power was the unstable situation following the ...

Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga of Mali said that France has failed to fight terrorism in his country and accused Paris of helping terrorists. The head of Mali’s government said this in an interview with several world agencies. According to Turkish news agency Anadolu, Maiga said the outcome of the French military intervention in the country was a triumph for ...

A cooling in relations? Algeria has recalled its ambassador from Paris for consultations and banned French warplanes from crossing its airspace. The North African country’s leadership has taken these tough measures in response to the statement by French President Emmanuel Macron. Macron had criticized the Algerians’ attitude towards France and also accused Turkey of fomenting anti-French sentiment. Addressing representatives of ...

Recently the French Court of Cassation gave the green light to indict the French cement giant Lafarge for complicity in crimes against humanity by financing ISIS in Syria. The court’s decision overturned lower court rulings that determined in 2019 that the cement giant’s payments to ISIS in Syria did not constitute terrorist financing. The court now holds otherwise, emphasizing that ...

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a classic example of a country whose development has been stunted by French influence in Africa. When 150 years of French colonization of CAR (Central African Republic) ended, there was only one person with a doctoral degree when the country became independent in 1960. France has always had a tight control over the CAR. ...

Africa is witnessing several coup d’etats, the rising threat of terror and the decline of US and French imperialism on the one side, rising economic and political activities of new powers such as China, Russia and Turkey on the other. We interviewed Chris Matlhako, 2nd Deputy Secretary General of the South African Communist Party, governing the country in the Tripartite ...