We spoke about the protests in Georgia against the government with the Director of the Center for Islamic Studies of the Caucasus Shota Apkhaidze. Currently in Tbilisi, the Georgian political scientist Apkhaidze explained the reasons and future of the protests to United World International. How do you interpret the recent incidents in Georgia? The Georgian president declared that she supports ...

By Fikret Akfırat The Munich Security Conference, one of the most prominent events of the Atlantic Alliance, was held this year on February 17-19. Around 40 leaders, ministers, diplomats and experts from more than 100 countries attended the Conference, which is now in its 59th year. Despite convening in Munich, the main objective of the meetings held since 1963 is ...

In the second part of the interview with Ferenc Almassy, Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Post, we asked him about Hungary-US relations, the background of the campaign against George Soros and the strengthening ties with the Organization of Turkish States. Ferenc Almassy explained in detail Hungary’s policy of “passive resistance”, the impact of 150,000 Hungarians in Ukraine on the relations between the ...

By Işıkgün Akfırat Belarus’ name is constantly mentioned in the Ukraine crisis. The country is in a sense holding the front of Eurasia against NATO expansion. While the countries in the Balkans were torn apart by NATO and fell into the clutches of colored revolutions, Belarus stood firm. The public administration, which resisted globalization, closed all establishments funded by Soros. ...

The Soros-funded International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has published the Pandora Papers, claiming to disclose the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state. The publication has sparked a debate. While the Washington-based ICIJ reports on leaders of developing countries in the Pandora Papers, it is noteworthy that no ...

Billionaire George Soros, the author of many color revolutions around the world while commonly being referred to as a “philanthropist” in the West, is engaging in a new effort to spread the ideas of his “Open Society.” This time, he is launching a global university network in which he invests at least a billion dollars. The project, which is called ...