United World International has organized an international webinar on “West Asia and Palestine” with participation from Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Iran and Pakistan on June 10th, 2021. We will present the full text of the speeches held on the webinar in the coming days, starting today with the Keynote speaker, Dr. Basem Naim, Head of the International Relations Bureau of Hamas ...

United World International has organized an international Webinar on “West Asia and Palestine” on June 10th, 2021. Keynote speaker on the webinar was Dr. Basem Naim, Head of Hamas’ International Relations Bureau and former Minister of Health in the Gaza Strip. Osman Paksüt, former Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Turkey and retired ambassador, Dr. Bessam Abu Abdullah, political scientist ...

By Nardine Ali / Cairo Will we see Al Sisi in Doha soon? The year of 2021 has been a solid proof that there is no forever in the science of international relations or in politics, since the Arab region has witnessed the birth of new coalitions and the death of other ones. One of the new coalitions that has ...

By Mustafa Göker In Israel and Palestine, the outbreak of an increasingly violent situation was noted on 13 April 2021, when the Israeli police raided the Haram al-Sharif at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. In the following days, tensions reached an all-time high as the protests around the compound of the al-Aqsa Mosque coincided with continuing protests ...

Israel and the Palestinian Resistance have agreed with Egyptian mediation on an unconditional ceasefire after 11 days of intense attacks on Gaza. The tension that started with the assault of Israeli forces and settlers to Palestinians and Arab Knesset members in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem and escalated with the raid on Masjid al-Aqsa on May 7. ...

United World International has examined how the Israeli press access the recent clashes in Jerusalem and the south of the country. The left-liberal Haaretz points that security institutions have warned the Israeli government about holding the Jerusalem Day, reminding the high tensions in the last years during the march. But Netanyahu, leading a “caretaker government, without legitimacy”, decided to act ...

Dr. Basem Naim, one of the leaders of the Palestinian resistance organization HAMAS, has spoken to UWI expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan about the recent events in East Jerusalem. Naim has been Minister of Health in Palestine and is currently member of Hamas’ International Relations Bureau. He said his organization would give a “strong and clear response” to Israeli attacks on ...

We have spoken to one of Hamas’ executives, a member of the organization’s International Office, and the President of the Council on International Relations (CFR) in Gaza, Dr. Basem Naim, about the elections in Palestine, Turkish-Israeli relations, a possible cooperation between Turkey and Palestine in the Eastern Mediterranean and the situation of the region in general. Basem Naim considered the ...

The last legislative elections held in the Palestinian territories in 2006, which ended with the victory of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), had major repercussions. Most notably, a wide Palestinian split offered Israel an opportunity on a gold plate to shun any commitment to continue the peace process negotiations, on the pretext of the absence of a clear Palestinian partner ...

Palestine is going to elections again for the first time after 14 years. President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree that confirmed parliamentary elections on May 22nd and presidential elections on July 31st. Palestine has perhaps entered one its most critical turning points in history, after more than half a century of a struggle for the Palestinian independence, the toughening Israeli ...