Türkiye witnessed two significant judicial decisions last week. PKK terrorist organization-affiliated Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) executives, including former chairman Selahattin Demirtaş, were heavily sentenced to imprisonment. The other judicial decision was the release of the generals arrested in connection with the “28 February Coup Case” after more than 3 years of detention. Another important event of the last week was ...

The public agenda in Turkey was busy with three main topics over the last week. The first was the annual Antalya Diplomacy Forum that started on Friday, initiated by the Turkish Foreign Ministry. The second topic was the HDP office building shooting in Izmir, which resulted in the death of a citizen. The third topic was the NATO Summit, which ...

Turkey had an unusual week, with numerous topics on the public agenda five of which were very prominent. The First had was the dissolution of the political party Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which was widely known as a supporter of the PKK/YPG terrorist organizations. The second was Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, which was signed in order to fight ...

The Turkish public agenda has been busy with four main topics in the last week Firstly, HDP Members of Parliament were ripped of their immunity as requested by state persecutors. Secondly, a currency crisis hit the Turkish Lira, which has suddenly lost value as a part of the ongoing currency crisis since mid 2018. Thirdly, the Blue Homeland 2021 naval ...