“The Freedom of the New World is the Hope of the Universe” – Simón Bolívar The Bicenttenial Congress in Caracas, Venezuela has convened from June 21st to June 24th and concluded with the “Manifest of the Bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo”. United World International presents below the complete text of the manifest. Manifest of the Bicentennial of the Battle ...

Humanity is entering a unique historical period as a result of the biggest epidemic of the last century. Our conservative world has been pushed toward radical changes. The capitalist world is struggling with a deep recession. A period of upheaval and revolution is at hand. Vladimir Lenin identified that in the age of imperialism, the revolution would take place in ...

On January 20, Joe Biden began serving as president of the United States. His foreign policy team is virtually complete, mostly made up of former officials from Barack Obama’s administration with whom Biden has worked in the past. However, Biden’s foreign policy will not be a simple continuation of Obama’s. The international and domestic political situation have changed. The Neocons ...

The highly influential US Think Tank Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has published its Preventive Priorities Survey 2021. The report foresees US intervention against Eurasia both in direct military conflict between Washington and Eurasian countries as well as within inner-Eurasian conflicts. The strengthening Eurasian collective defense and conflict solving mechanisms as well as further deepening Eurasian economic integration becomes vital ...

In spite of the declining image that is every day being drawn in more detail, world hegemony and the performance of the United States continue to be axial for the global capitalist system – despite the storming of Capitol Hill. We are talking about the highest expression of contemporary imperialism, an actor of amazing influence, whose actions can change everything ...

The recent Washington’s designation of Iran’s elite, 125,000-member IRGC (Islamic Revolution Guard Corps) as an FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization) was overlooked in the Western media as a typical story with the short attention span of the everyday news cycle. I am not an alarmist in my work, but it is now completely ostensible, perhaps more than ever before, that the ...

Exactly 68 years ago on this day, March 15, 1951, the Iranians managed to wrest their main national treasure, oil, out of the imperialists’ grab. By doing this, they kicked off struggle for independence and economic development of their land. Through the efforts of Mohammad Mossadegh, the leader of the National Front party during the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza ...

When Donald Trump took office in January 2017, he made it clear that countering Iran was a top priority on his agenda. Trump ripped up the Iran Nuclear Deal, also known as JCPOA; reimposed pre-JCPOA sanctions and even added new ones that were unprecedented in terms of their scope and scale; and put Iranian citizens, activists and fugitive political dissidents ...

Chaos from every circle of hell seems to be breaking lose in the United States as of late. More than 15 bombs marked with ISIS memes were mailed to high profile liberals like George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even the CNN Headquarters. The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania recently became the location of America’s latest mass ...

John Bolton recently referred to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua as a “three tyrants” and announced that sanctions would be imposed against all three. According to him, all three countries will soon experience the “hard sanctions regime”. The main reason, according to Bolton, is human rights violations. The sanctions will include the ban on US citizens who take part in trade ...