Libyan front: Erdogan and Sarraj’s meeting, the GNA’s advancement, Haftar in Egypt On June 4, the Government of National Accord secured complete control of Tripoli. Last week, the GNA launched a large offensive on the LNA – as a result on June 6, the GNA entered Sirte  (the hometown of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi). The LNA captured Sirte in ...

After a long period of silence during the Coronavirus epidemic, protests erupted again in Hong Kong. Last weekend, Hongkongers protested against what they called Beijing’s “dictatorship” – this time, a mainland Chinese security law initiative was the subject of their discontent. China has formally approved a plan to impose national security laws on Hong Kong. Why did the project cause such ...

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region has announced its opposition to the US’ recently passed law on the protection of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong. On November 27,  US President Donald Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 into law. The essence of the law The Hong Kong Democracy and Human Rights Act requires the ...

A change of tactics The protests in Hong Kong have long since spilled over from peaceful channels into violent clashes between participants and the police. This time the battlefield has moved to the universities. On five campuses in China, students turned their universities into insurgent fortresses. The ensuing conflicts resembled medieval battles interspersed with the madness of Mad Max aesthetics: ...

What began as isolated protests against a standard criminal-extradition law has somehow erupted into a violent fury throughout Hong Kong. The Chinese city’s American-and-British-flag-waving protesters are, on the one hand, calling for “freedom, human rights, and democracy” while, on the other, assaulting police and even random bystanders alike. Western media have already been on the offensive against Beijing’s claims that ...

Sudan Agreement The first agreements between military and civilians have been reached in Sudan following months of turmoil. According to the newly signed constitutional declaration, a sovereign council will become the highest authority in Sudan during the transition period pending upcoming elections. The console will include five representatives of the military and five civilian figures, and one figure elected by ...

Hong Kong protests About two million citizens of Hong Kong last Sunday marched in protest against the expansion of Chinese power in the former British colony. Protesters filled the city center and marched to the office of the head of the local administration, Carrie Lam. Hong Kongers are protesting the signing of an extradition treaty to China for suspected criminals. ...

In Hong Kong, the riots were temporarily suspended, during which dozens of police and demonstrators suffered. After mass protests in June, the government suspended changes in the law on extradition to mainland China. Also Hong Kong leader says sorry as protesters insist she quits. However, despite the concessions of the authorities, on June 16, protesters are again on the streets demanding ...