By Tolga Dişçi The most important event of the last days in Hungary is the resignation of the President. Hungarian President Katalin Novak’s pardon of a person convicted in a sexual abuse case sparked public reactions and Novak resigned on 10 February. Hungarian journalist Ferenc Almassy, Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Post, explained the developments to us. How do you interpret the ...

In the second part of the interview with Ferenc Almassy, Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Post, we asked him about Hungary-US relations, the background of the campaign against George Soros and the strengthening ties with the Organization of Turkish States. Ferenc Almassy explained in detail Hungary’s policy of “passive resistance”, the impact of 150,000 Hungarians in Ukraine on the relations between the ...

By Cansu Yiğit The year 2022 began with the ongoing Covid pandemic, refugee crises, and international disputes on the brink of an open conflict. While many international issues which have turned into international crises are still waiting for resolutions, some countries are scheduled to elect leaders who will be expected to find resolutions. 31 countries across five continents are expected ...

The movie “Hungarians” (Magyarok), which was shot in 1978 by Zoltán Fábri, one of the masters of the Hungarian cinema, tells a story that begins when a group of Hungarian peasants, men and women, go to a farm in Germany to work in 1943, in the midst of the World War II. There happens to be a concentration camp right ...

The European Union is again in conflict with Hungary. This time, the European Court of Justice opposed a Hungarian requirement that groups receiving foreign funding identify themselves as such and disclose information about their donors. The Court found that Hungary’s restrictions on funding of civil society organizations were illegal, and called the policy of disclosure of sponsors “discriminatory and unjustified”. ...

Erdogan in Hungary A joint press conference featuring Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban was held in Budapest related to the two countries’ high-level strategic cooperation council. During the meeting, Orban indicated that Hungary would be pleased to join the Turkish project to restore Syria. Orban said that he and Erdoğan had discussed ...

The fourth Hungary-Turkey high-level strategic council meeting was held in Budapest on  November 7. The President of Turkey visited Budapest to meet with Hungarian President János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.  The politicians discussed cooperation in the fields of security, energy and culture, the EU and migration.[0]=68.ARA1Inr-Z8FkaNa5-OIwk2nFZcRBjuyoHxXL6eModkvLB9XwesoXn67ye5rwEgp6HbnIUNsWh6JW0fOrtpEPMBQX4QRbOsBzjS6pMwaTNe55RHfKqomJyJ9gmVKbXxq8F3cRxcQvpaTurNIUTN3MmcatjFis8v1hClktRyLR29Skqwy1QDIxwKbwBfDC1vagcsFHFqoGDC0q7T6B2pntTfUH7enRHhVge4PgK_6NlJFWA3njFu19OU8dLANOl5RJpBp3QzszCqCJjsecISFYGkSeYiVdSDdpf663zCgHAbxlaWHSmHVavbgbNKssrGsvKaPkc_VwBwIMuCu8dwz0Z0jVVlNDIOt8&__tn__=-R The meeting was the result of an agreement reached in 2013  ...

Turkish operation in Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation “Source of Peace” in Syria, targeting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and the Islamic State. Erdogan claims that the purpose of the operation is to destroy the terrorist corridor these forces are trying to create on Turkey’s southern border. The Pentagon’s Mark Esper suggested that ...

On the eve of the European Parliamentary elections scheduled for May 23-26, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini will go to Budapest for the first time. In partenza per l’Ungheria per costruire la nuova Europa e tanto felice perché oggi il Parlamento approva l’educazione civica obbligatoria nelle scuole. Promessa mantenuta!Buona giornata Amici☀️ — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) May 2, 2019 Salvini ...

The largest parliamentary faction, the European People’s Party (EPP), took an unprecedented step by attacking and suspending its own members. After the suspension of Fidesz’ membership, everyone is wondering what the future holds for the party – what will change in the event of their complete expulsion? Precedent for “Fidesz” The Hungarian group’s membership in the EU-leading transnational bloc has ...