Reporting from Cairo, Egypt Over the past two years, Egypt has been facing bleak economic prospects that have been worsening day by day. The features of its economic crisis began to take shape and worsen clearly after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war in February 2022, but the flight of hot money from the country thwarted all government tricks to ...

To General Augusto C. Sandino as we approach the 90th anniversary of his departure to immortality. Nicaragua has had to fight in defense of its sovereignty almost from the moment it was established as an independent republic. From the British invasion of 1847 on its Caribbean coast, and the following year to San Juan and the island of Tigre in ...

United World International continues publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce held on April 29. The conference was organized by Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement. Today we present the speech of Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche from the University of ...

By Michael Roberts * Inflation, risk of global recession, growing inequality and rising debt for the global south, global warming, war – I could go on. These are the fault-lines exhibited in the world economy in 2022.  What is to be done about it?  It is revealing to consider the solutions offered by analysts writing for the IMF in its monthly ...

Interview by Ana Dagorret The global capitalist economy seems in disarray. From increasing inflation to vulnerable supply chains, from endangered food production to energy transition and crisis – complaints and warning calls rise at nearly every chapter and branch of the world economy. United World International thus has started a new series of articles and interviews that will shed light ...

By Fernando Esteche / Buenos Aires* With the results on this weekend election in Argentina, President Alberto Fernández (in accordance with the agreement of all the sectors of the Frente de Todos, he said) and the mayor of Buenos Aires Mayor Rodríguez Larreta (one of the main opposition figures) agreed on the need for a National Agreement whose exclusive agenda ...

During the COVID-19 crisis, many countries in the world launched stimulus measures to stop the deterioration of their productive and financial sectors. Rich nations, based on a growing indebtedness, have carried out unprecedented fiscal interventions to prevent economic collapse. How will that be paid for once the global recovery begins? The Global South has not had the same opportunity. Debt, ...

By Doğan Duyar, Algeria Pro-France Special Forces have staged a coup in Guinea and took President Alpha Condé, a politician friendly towards Turkey and China, as hostage. In the recent years, Condé had been developing relations with Asian countries, while he was targeted by protest actions of ‘civil disobedience’, supported by the West. After gunshots were heard near the Presidential ...

Tunisia was the first country where the so-called Arab Spring started in 2011, and it remained in the eyes of European countries and the US the positive example of ‘democratic transition’. In the last ten years, a lot of democratic transition took place in the country, with several presidents and governments coming and going and changing coalitions ruling the country. ...

On May 8, Argentine President Alberto Fernández embarked on a European international trip that will include bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. He will also meet with the Head of State of the Vatican City, Pope Francis. The Official Committee also includes the first lady Fabiola Yañez, Foreign Affair Minister Felipe Sola, the Minister of ...