For my brother and comrade Orlando Bahamondes “Caballito” Who left this world a few days ago, taking away his nobility and his goodness, but leaving us infinite signs of his conviction, his passion and his fighting spirit for a better world. Always towards victory! The recent visit to Chile caused me deep discomfort when I observed – like in no ...

For almost one month, there are comments on a probable Russian-Ukrainian war. Those claims are mainly based on two factors: 1- The intensification of clashes in Donbass region of Ukraine. 2- Russia’s buildup of troops along the Ukrainian border and in the Crimean peninsula. Let’s take a closer look at those two factors: 1- The Donbass region is located in ...

By Liu Xin,  Correspondent of Beijing-based Global Times, exclusive for United World International Recently, the international community has witnessed a new round of hype in some Western countries on the topic of the Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. This time, the US and its Western allies are trying to label China’s actions as “genocide” – a severe accusation against ...

The USA is using Uyghur separatism to try and destabilize China. The Biden administration has launched a campaign of lies through the İyi Party and HDP in order to drive a wedge between Turkey and China. In this article we will refute 10 imperialist lies and present the facts alongside the evidence Lie # 1: China is committing genocide against ...