By Gökalp Erbaş The foreign agent law, as it is known in the public opinion, appears under different names and scopes in the laws of each country where it is in force. Although it came into force in the Russian Federation in 2012 and a similar law was discussed in Ukraine in 2014, it is actually a much older law. ...

The Schiller Institute has organized on July 8 and 9 an international conference titled “On the Verge of a New World War – European Nations Must Cooperate” in Strasbourg, France. Several politicians and scholars from a wide range of countries participated, and UWI will present a number of selected speeches from the conference. Today we present the speech held by ...

By Mehmet Emre Öztürk The informal QUAD-Group (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue), comprised of the US, India, Australia and Japan, has held a virtual meeting on presidential level on March 12 in its quest for an Indo-Pacific alliance. The process, described by the US as “historic”, aims to institutionalize the QUAD and create an alliance against China in the Indo-Pacific. The US ...

By Navkiran Natt / India The ongoing farmers’ protest in India is being hailed as the biggest ever people’s protest in the history of the world. The protest has attracted attention from all over the world and rekindled the hope for a mass movement to bring about progressive change in India. Over the last decade, Indians have witnessed many mass ...

An Indian poet well-known in Turkey once addressed his fellow Indians with these lines: “A dark winter arises in the horizon We’d get through it only if we nestle each other Do break those hard, heavy shells of yours Free yourselves from that burden. Those shells do not protect us but only harm. They condemn us to solitude. Yet we ...

The World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU) is an international youth platform established by 23 youth organizations from 12 countries in Istanbul on 29th October 2014. It aims to unite all the youth of the world under the same roof of anti-imperialism regardless of any differences. The below statement is the joint youth declaration on the new world after COVID-19 pandemic, ...

On 16 June, armed clashes took place on the border between China and India. The Indian side later reported that 20 soldiers were killed. There is no information about deaths on the side of the Chinese military. This bloody collision is the first in nearly 40 years. The Chinese claim they were attacked first. The media reports that the incident ...

Military aggravation On May 5 in the disputed area near Pangong Tso in the Ladakh region of India, there were clashes between Chinese and Indian troops. The Hindustan Times reports that the clash that occurred last Saturday involved hundreds of troops on both sides. The Indian air force has intensified sorties in the region. Two Indian Su-30MKI were spotted on ...

By Shashi Kant Tripathi When media outlets began reporting about the starvation of stranded workers during the lockdown due to the coronavirus, several other heartbreaking incidents also came to light, for instance, that 39 year old Ranveer Singh had died midway as he walked from Delhi to Morena. He was a delivery boy in a Delhi restaurant and left the ...

The coronavirus epidemic has now spread to all regions of the world and South Asia is no exception. Moreover, given the high population density and the problems with these countries’ healthcare systems, the region may be “a time bomb waiting to explode”. Pakistan: the new epicenter? In Pakistan, 991 cases of coronavirus infection have already been detected, 7 of which ...