Eighteen months ago, Iran was hit by the coronavirus epidemic worse than any other country in the Middle East. Originating in China, the Covid-19 epidemic spread rapidly throughout the Islamic Republic, the number of infected and dead growing at an exponential rate. The coronavirus has affected everyone in Iran, from ordinary workers to the most high-ranking senior politicians, killing more ...

May 2018 was a month filled with political disasters for the American policy makers in the Middle East. Pro-Iranian politicians were able to take control of the majority of Lebanese Parliament seats on May 6 followed by anti-American politicians winning in the Iraqi parliament on May 12. The American side claimed that the late General Ghassem Soleimani was responsible for ...

Since February 19, when Iran’s Ministry of Health reported the first case of infection with a new coronavirus in the country, the number of infected in the Islamic Republic has reached 24,811, while 1,934  have died and 8,913 patients have recovered. New cases of infection in Iran are detected every day, and the mortality rate has already exceeded 7%. According ...

Iran declares ‘Islamic Jihad’ against a new enemy – coronavirus. BACKGROUND At the end of December 2019, China reported an outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus in Wuhan (Hubei Province). The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized it as an epidemic following a number outbreaks and declared an emergency of international proportions. At first, the disease was called 2019-nCoV; ...

Major energy producing countries are using energy exports to increase political influence in consumer countries. Energy exports are one of the most important ways to create interdependence as well as stability and security in the region. Iran ranks second in the world’s gas reserves, but  domestic gas consumption increased sharply in the cold seasons of the year, in addition, at ...

While crude oil exports (Iran’s most important foreign exchange industry) have sharply reduced with no hope of recovery, other resources such as petrochemicals, mines and metals could have been a way out for the Islamic Republic… however, these sectors were also sanctioned in Spring 2019. Iran’s petrochemical and steel sectors have grown rapidly over the past two decades, but that ...

The crash of an American plane in the Afghan province of Ghazni has raised rumors, debates  and doubts in Afghanistan over who actually controls the country’s airspace. BACKGROUND At midday on Monday January 27, Afghan media outlets began to report that a passenger plane had gone down in the Deh Yak district of Ghazni province (an area which has been ...

Regular meetings between Irani and Qatari officials have led to heavy speculation, particularly considering that tensions between Tehran-Washington have reached their apex. Some suspect that Qatar may have played a role in General Soleimani’s assassination, while others believe the country is preparing to play a mediating role between the US and Iran. In any event, it is clear that the ...

The ongoing conflict between the US and Iran has become one of the greatest paradoxes in the world because, on the one hand, the consequences of such a large scale war make it unlikely to ever happen, while on the other hand, in recent weeks, both sides have shown that they are ready to kick off this fight at any ...

On January 5, right after the IRGC’s missile attacks on American bases in Iraq, a Ukrainian passenger plane crashed near Teheran. The 737 Boeing aircraft left Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran at 6:12 a.m. Wednesday. There were 176 people aboard, including nine crew members, according to the airline. American media quickly began to circulate information that the crash was ...